
I've been using Prezi for a while, and I'm quite happy about the new editor. Youtube support is great, and it is a lot easier to choose an action on an object now... That sometimes got irritating trying to click on the right circle and drag it around.

What happens when your friend records himself saying "Left" for right, and "Right" for left?

@TheFu: Most (if not all) updates are available for download from Microsoft's website.

@Phoshi: Studies have shown that Dvorak also has no real advantage over Qwerty. Not in speed, not in benefits to wrist health. I ran into this article a few days ago, maybe you'd be interested in it. []

Wasn't this study referenced in Freakonomics a few years back? I remember a study similar to this being mentioned, but I can't recall the specifics.

I've been looking for a program like this for a while, ever since I read Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, by Douglas Adams. Great book, but I remember reading the description of Anthem (or was it Fathom?) and thinking that would be a pretty spectacular program, actually.

I was told that fullscreen flash videos don't lag under 64-bit Linux. It seems to only apply to Debian, not Ubuntu, which is what I happen to be running. Does anybody happen to know how to make flash *actually work* on Linux? Embedded Youtube videos tend to have that screen at the end of the video flickering off and

VOTE: Handbrake.

@Gotlactose: PerfectDark is a P2P service that sounds somewhat similar to that.

@Attmay: Typically, the recovery partition installs all of the bloatware that originally came with the computer when you use it to restore Windows.

@jsmorley: I'm getting the same problem. Their videos work fine when I access them directly, but not when they're embedded anywhere. I'm not sure if it's Firefox, Ubuntu, or just a general problem with their system.

@D Wiz: Why not just bookmark the video and use Xmarks to sync it across your computers?

@BishopBlaize: 10.6 Server Edition runs fine in a virtual machine. The user edition is not allowed to be run in virtual machines, due to Apple's EULA, so no, Snow Leopard is not officially supported. That being said, it's entirely possible to run SL in a VM. Here's a guide I stumbled upon recently: [

That's not a treehouse. That's a treemansion. #workspaces

Does anyone know how the icon-only tabs work when the title is changing? IE, I use Gmail a lot, and I talk with my friends through it, since I leave it open anyway. It's easier than opening up a messaging program. Anyway, if I'm on another tab, I can see if they're saying anything without having to tab over and check,

Random question: Does anyone know how to make the LiberKey programs work without LiberKey itself, and still keeping them portable? Or should I just find other versions of those programs? I was hoping to just merge their collection into my personal one, but I can't run the apps from that suite without the program... #po

That and Compose Key are the two things I've been immediately re-enabling every time I install 9.10. Ctrl+Alt+Backspace saves me when everything freezes, and Compose Key is incredibly useful. If you haven't used it, trust me. You get into the habit really quickly, and then you get totally screwed up on Windows

VOTE:'s Update Checker! #hivefive

Another problem is that when you type "why is" into Google's search bar, "why is there a dead pakistani on my couch" is one of the autosuggestions. I think that's more of a problem with the human race than Google, however.