Doesn't the Firefox extension PicLens already have this feature?
Doesn't the Firefox extension PicLens already have this feature?
A good app to get is WeDict. It is an App Store app (a free one, though!), but if you've jailbroken and added OpenSSH, then you can add other dictionaries besides the WordNet and the English to Chinese. Go to the StarDict website, download the tarball dictionary that you want, and decompress it. You should have three…
No, I can get to it. Firefox has no problems with it. Maybe the key word in what you said is "IE".
I've used [] for a few years. It's free, it's fast, and it has huge support. It converts between huge amounts of files, and you can convert video to sound if you just want the music on it. It even has support for places like Youtube!
I use a thing called AfterBite. It stings a bit when you put it on (it uses ammonia, so it smells pretty strong too), but it works pretty well. Here's a site for it: []
VOTE: iPod Touch (or iPhone, if you have that)
@beezn:Go to the Start Menu and hit run, and type this in: %APPDATA%\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPod Software Update
They released another version of it to repair the several glitches, including the Cydia on XP glitch. []
VOTE: FreeCommander