
It seems they are not shaping up here very well either. There is something about this guy who makes commenters all around crazy. Commenters who absolutely loathe the police force are now totally accepting of their claims, and others who would normally defend victims from victim shaming are now the worst ones shaming

Now that I think of it, the lack of any firestarting option gives any survival bag an instant C- grade. Perhaps even lower.

At first I read the article as a list to a good survival bag, when it really is just a survival bag for a specific person. I found it odd to include such a specific item, which in turn made me go "duh, this is for this person only."

Magpul case for iPhone 4

Lol. I was just being silly and sarcastically pointing out that people still do not use this function even though it has been there since forever. Instructions never go amiss though and hopefully you have helped someone out this day. I myself blocked facebook out of my life a long time ago.

Damn, I just realized I do not remember a damn thing about the Spinal Tap movie. Was so long ago, might have to rewatch it now.

What is this block button you speak of and the dark magic that it invokes?

Your picture is not loading. What is it a picture of?

"Sexist" and "Sexy" both have "Sex" in them, so they are related and interchangeable. Cased closed, next article.

Those are breasts. Human females tend to have bigger breasts than human males.

I have been trying to be a gold digger myself. My goal is to find a sugarmama and proceed to rock her world. Age is not a problem. Older ladies need lovin too!

When news is not happening, you make news. Got to make that money somehow.

I live a few miles away from the Sea World in San Antonio. However this documentary is not what keeps me from taking my kids there. It is the prices. Compared to Fiesta Texas they are ripping people off. Six Flags is so much a better deal.

Maybe they live for that. It is their high.

I'm guessing the whole ex-marine rather former marine is that most people do not give a shit about rules or traditions a group of people make up for themselves.

I tip my hat to his level of focus. Even that level of revelry cannot deter him from his mission.

Is she saying "suck my balls"?

Because despite what the media wants you to think, people are very nice down here. Just like every other state we have our jerks, but in my experience, we have less of them. I have lived in several states, including California, Virginia, Oklahoma, and Texas. I currently live in Texas. I find the closer you get to

I always imagined Zach Braff being the love child of Jerry Seinfield and Ray Romano.