Maybe they live for that. It is their high.
Maybe they live for that. It is their high.
I'm guessing the whole ex-marine rather former marine is that most people do not give a shit about rules or traditions a group of people make up for themselves.
I tip my hat to his level of focus. Even that level of revelry cannot deter him from his mission.
Is she saying "suck my balls"?
Because despite what the media wants you to think, people are very nice down here. Just like every other state we have our jerks, but in my experience, we have less of them. I have lived in several states, including California, Virginia, Oklahoma, and Texas. I currently live in Texas. I find the closer you get to…
I always imagined Zach Braff being the love child of Jerry Seinfield and Ray Romano.
There is a very easily solution to the whole "Happy Holidays" problem. Think about it. With every other holiday, Valentines, Halloween, St. Patrick's, you wish a person a happy day on the very day of said holiday. You do not wish someone a happy Valentines weeks in advance. All December holidays should also be…
Granny Goodness! The best thing to come out of Apokolips. But Olivia looks so grandmotherly in that picture, which good ol' Granny is anything but.
Not sure if mature is the right word when describing the current WW. It is more like this. A guy sees WW standing there and thinks, "Who is this hot chick? Gotta go talk to her." Then after talking to WW for a few brief seconds, "Holy shit, I better run. This lady is gonna beat my ass." Note that the guy is now…
Thanks. Just wanted to get an idea of what this might cost. Helps me from getting ripped off.
Yeah I just want to tailor the suit that I got from my uncle. It is a wee bit too big in a few spots.
I received a hand-me-down suit from a uncle that always spends a lot of money on his clothes. I am assuming the suit probably cost more than I could afford myself and it almost fits perfectly on me. I want to go get it tailored to fix the rest though. How much do custom tailoring jobs usually cost?
You just answered yourself at the end.
Geishas were soldiers during WWII? Learn something new everyday.
It is the season of giving.
Was not even aware you could construct a sentence that mentions her and Aretha at the same time. How about that, I just did too.
The big problem with this is that people are trying to spread the idea that captivity is what is causing these animals to kill. Which is silly because there is a reason Orcas are called killer whales. They enjoy killing things, that is just how they are. They will kill just to kill and have been recorded killing…