
Good work detective.

Ahh. I see the connection now. Yes, both examples are indeed "not cool".

According to the article, in this particular case the game most likely was mistaken for the popular song by Psy. In other words people were trying to pirate a song but ended up pirating a game by the same name instead.

Calling me a tool does not work very well in this context. Try douchebag or asshole, it would work better.

Lol. I love this. This is awesome. Barbosa FTW!

If you cannot see why it would be logical to have an peaceful and prosperous society without me having to explain why, I doubt that I would be successful in enlightening you. I really do not believe that I am up to the task.

Why is a person pirating a game they could not afford "better" than them not playing the game at all? All that person is reaping the benefits of someone's hard work and not compensating that person for their work. Hence the need. If they needed this game to live, I could see how that would be better than dying, but


Logic and morals totally mix. It is logical to use morals to create a safe and effective society to where all can prosper. It would be illogical to do otherwise. Unless you would like to live in a world that can be seen in your favorite post apocalyptic movie. Living in Mad Maxx's world could work for some people.

You are right. It is total bullshit.

It is possible Valve is unaware of this or just does not care. Articles like this make me laugh because it draws attention to projects that probably do not want the attention of a well known blog. I now await the update saying said project is halted due to a C&D.

I am not sure how you not wanting to buy a sports car could keep you from actually stealing one. If you do plan to steal a sports car, beware that there are going to be harsh consequences for your actions if you are caught by the proper authorities. Never let it be said I told you to go steal a car.

Nice trolling. I only wish my troll thread was as successful as yours. I bow to the master.

Piracy/Copyright infringement versus theft/stealing are not the same thing. This is easy to understand. However do you agree that piracy is morally/legally wrong?

I am against piracy myself. Honestly I was a huge pirate in my youth. This was back in the day of Warez where you had to bring something to the table yourself to be allowed to take. Then I got my degree in computer science and found out how hard it is to program. That experience along with some other life changing

People who shoplift, when caught, we be arrested and have to face the law. That is what happens when you break the law. You face the consequences.

Your hopes are better used elsewhere. I have several children already.

I like this one. Simple yet effective.

It is not that people do not understand why it is morally wrong. Either a person just lacks morals themselves and do not care, or the act of pirating in their eyes is not as morally reprehensible to a level that would trump their selfishness. Kind of like people who go over the speed limit. The mental gymnastics,

Pirating is never a good thing. Even when a person cannot truly afford the game. Games are things people can do without. This is not the same moral dilemma of a poor man stealing to eat and live.