
I am against piracy myself. Honestly I was a huge pirate in my youth. This was back in the day of Warez where you had to bring something to the table yourself to be allowed to take. Then I got my degree in computer science and found out how hard it is to program. That experience along with some other life changing

People who shoplift, when caught, we be arrested and have to face the law. That is what happens when you break the law. You face the consequences.

Your hopes are better used elsewhere. I have several children already.

I like this one. Simple yet effective.

It is not that people do not understand why it is morally wrong. Either a person just lacks morals themselves and do not care, or the act of pirating in their eyes is not as morally reprehensible to a level that would trump their selfishness. Kind of like people who go over the speed limit. The mental gymnastics,

Pirating is never a good thing. Even when a person cannot truly afford the game. Games are things people can do without. This is not the same moral dilemma of a poor man stealing to eat and live.

My original post was just trolling, which turned out to work pretty well. That said honestly if a person cannot fathom how pirating is morally/legally wrong, then that person is selfish beyond help.

I live in Texas where we are allowed to kill people who steal from our homes. I am not sure if these laws extend to public places like the Wal-Mart parking lot so might want to wait till it is parked somewhere else other than a private driveway.

I do not own a house. I am currently living with a relative. Also we reside in Texas where it is legal to kill people breaking and entering in your home. As well if we are not home, it is also legal for our neighbors to kill said breaking and entering people as well. Might want to rethink that plan.

You example does not follow my logic. If it did it would be something along the lines of downloading a Lamborghini off the internet and using your private factory to build it for you.

There is truth in what you say. It is akin to Valve's summer sales. I think the only full priced games on PC I have ever bought are one from the Battlefield series. Everything else I know will eventually go on sale on Steam and I do not mind waiting for these other games. On the other hand I only have a few

Totally okay because those people were not going to pay for the game ever, so no lost sale. Since there is no lost sale, it is okay to pirate the game to be able to play it instead. I do not understand why people do not understand this basic concept.

That's racist!

Also this is weird idea considering everybody she is attacking is female.

This is quite a possibility. The perfect balance of male/female in anything in life is practically impossible unless some authority attempts to create such a balance through exclusion, which is a terrible thing because you are excluding people. Also terrible is when authority uses exclusion to create an imbalance.

I have wondered this myself and also what research went into coming to the conclusion that there is a serious imbalance. I myself was under the impression you could not find out the gender or any really identifying information about an editor.

Yeah I guess you are right. It really is about the intent behind the act that qualifies if it is a feminist act or not. If I came across someone at their computer doing this, I would assume said person is just giving the researchers their due and has nothing to do with feminism. However when that person explains to

At the time of your posting only 4 other comments were made and only one of them, the one typed by VJDAY, is troll worthy. Your statement hardly seems relevant and indicates that you would like to stir up trouble. With this in mind your statement seems a bit trollish on its own merits.

with the goal being to collaboratively write feminist thinking into the site

Yeah I do not understand where this article is getting the idea that Newegg's customer service is spotty. I always had top notch service from Newegg anytime I needed it. Shipping company lost my items or they were stolen off of my front porch? Newegg has replacements shipped and in my hands a few days later. I