Nice trolling. It warms my heart to see people out there still fighting the good fight.
Nice trolling. It warms my heart to see people out there still fighting the good fight.
Never understood that problem. Guys like it when girls give oral sex right after regular sex but find it icky to just kiss a girl after she swallowed your load? Get over yourself and make out with the girl.
You can get free birth control at your local health department. Well at least in Oklahoma you could when my ex and I still lived there. No hurt in trying although. You can usually get all sorts of free stuff at DHS and the health department. All you have to do is go and ask.
You are confusing ROB fulfilling its single purpose and not being used for anything else versus ROB trying to achieve some purpose but ultimately failing and thus being abandoned. Watch the documentaries about Nintendo. ROB never had any designs past getting the NES to be marketed as a toy.
So you can tell how many smart phones were sold, but how do you know the people who bought these phones also have $400+ consoles as well? What you just said does not account for that. I understand how you can get the stat on how many of what you've sold, but existing trends on early adopters? Not only does that…
That made no sense whatsoever. How would any of this help me sleep at night? I could really use the help because I have bad insomnia. I reckon you are not a Nintendo hater and just a confused person. I apologise for coming to the wrong conclusion.
So you would be okay with a fan taking each of J.K.R.'s works, copying them word for word and producing books that are to be sold at a cheaper rate than her own books? And all just because she already made billions so she should no longer have creative control over her works?
The idea is just because you are okay with it does not mean other people are. Owen's idea of taking your car, just your car, sounds like a good idea to me. That does not mean it should no longer be against the law to do so. Our government deemed it was necessary to create laws for people to protect their…
Ahh... okay this time I think I really got it now. You are a Nintendo hater. Now it makes sense. I guess I just needed a few more of your arguments to finally come to that conclusion because each of them on their own did little to credit your original statement.
ROB as far as Nintendo was concerned had only one purpose, to be bundled with the NES so it could be marketed as a toy instead of a computer system. ROB accomplished this mission with flying colors and breathed new life into the gaming industry.
Where did you get that fact from? That possibly could be true but who did the research to gain this knowledge? How would you even figure that out?
Ahh... okay. Now it makes sense. GC was different because nobody could afford GBAs (except probably those kings, but they probably had dreamcasts anyways) but since your parents have smartphones, MS made smartglass so your parents could use it when they buy XBox One.
Ahh. I get it now. What Nintendo did is the same thing that MS and Sony are doing but it is different because you still need a TV to play it on. Gotcha.
Lol wut? No "additional purchase" but you need a laptop, tablet or phone to use it?
It is a good show. It is kind of nice to see how things turned out after Aang's time. It is just about as funny as the old show with Bolin taking the place of Sokka. My only beef is how weak Korra seems. Aang as a 12 year old kid is way overpowered when compared to Korra who seems to have had more training than…
How about a compromise and post about gay cars? I bet there are cars out there that are totally gay.
TV Buffy is not the real Buffy. Movie Buffy is.
Borderline? No it IS abusive. Every time they made love she had marks all over her. But it is okay because he loves her.
Dude! Humble bundle is totally legit and totally awesome. I have bought every bundle since the Humble Indie Bundle II (with the exception of a few of the android ones), and I have not had a problem with them ever. And you can pay anything you want for the games. Even a penny (although if you do you are a cheap…