
Wow. You have terrible reading comprehension skills. Nobody here has been trying to rationalize religion. We have been pointing out that people do not read correctly, do not read at all, or do not read the entirety of whatever they are attacking thus making themselves look like fools. Thank you for helping prove

Preach it. Screw the law.

Get out of here with your facts. Your kind is not welcomed here. Everybody has made up their mind and your trolling with facts will not prevail.

People do not like to do actual research. It is too much work for them. I find that most people who bash the Twilight books have never read even a sample of any of the books. I myself borrowed the books from my wife and read them while on the toilet (you can only read the harry potter books so many times while

Whenever asked by my gay friends about themselves being gay is a sin I asked them if they had sex with anybody and if they can respond "no" then they are in the clear. While some old Testament rules are no longer applicable as you pointed out, others such as the Ten Commandments are. As such as long as they do not

And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Any comment with Galactus and/or Unicron is a good comment.

Depends on what type of person he is. Some people want to flaunt around their holier than thou attitude which the New Testament condemns. Others are earnest and are hoping to open dialogue between anyone they can and teach them about their faith. To distinguish each is easy... if they are condemning you as you pass

Thank you. I hate it when people only read certain passages of books and think they know the scope of the whole document. It is akin to reading only part of the Constitution of the United States and then going around telling everybody they are breaking the law for drinking beer.

If you read into the history of the book of Leviticus you will find that those rules are not for everybody but for the chosen people of God at the time.

I did not compare it. The point was about pride and that it makes people do terrible things. And my name is not Shirley

Someone with no authority called someone else fake. The "victim" decided that they care what the other person thought and had a sad. I wrote this in a way to where it can be applied to many similar situations.

No. You said nothing of white supremacy in your statement so I do not even know where you got that from. You were talking about people unable to give up their race identities because of pride. That is the problem. Pride, you know, one of the seven deadly sins. Just like all of those proud white people who would

Not a surprise at all. That is the reason why the world is the way it is today and is why the world will never change.

Not a bad idea. Imagine if there were no black or white or any other race identity and we all are just humans.

I had a sad today. Now I has a happy.

You shut your filthy whore mouth. Moonwalker was awesome.

He reminds me of a black Tom Green. He just wants to stay relevant.

It is pretty strange huh? She does not look like Trayvon Martin.

Haters gonna hate.