Isn't Media Blasting essentially sanding away paint and roughing the surface?
that means you've got bare Aluminum on the wheel. the part that is guaranteed to touch water.
Isn't Media Blasting essentially sanding away paint and roughing the surface?
that means you've got bare Aluminum on the wheel. the part that is guaranteed to touch water.
I agree. The entire population of GM workers and the company should not go under because of the mistake of a few. The damage to the credibility of the company is enough to undeservingly punish the workers in the factories and in the departments that had nothing to do with this problem.
Oh, I thought everyone knew that DC was the worst place to drive on Earth.
in fact, that whole upper East coast is just terrible.
what, that the Norwood Lateral clogs up faster than a toilet that's been used by Fat Bastard?
I actually use the 75 side, and the ramp on-to 75 is an engineering project made by Satan himself.
Everyone is brining up these exit ramps that I keep forgetting. Although i've only been through Pittsburgh once on my 10+ trips back and forth between Cinci and East PA, Pittsburgh does stick out as an awful exit.
Guess who takes that Norwood Lateral every. single. day.
to be fair, I'm only 20 years old. But I have heard the awful stories of Texas's highways.
But again, I think a lot of these posts are totally geared towards bigger city Jalops. Every city you just mentioned has a population well over 1 million.
I'm trying to say, there are many more cities than LA, Chicago, Detroit,…
PA has some VERY awful highway. Maryland is even worse, which is mind-numbing.
I imagine, in some ways, it would be cheaper to tear it all down and start from scratch.
2.) Fix the worst road designs
I can understand hating the Countryman, but the Paceman? it's the same car everyone on here has been yelling for: An AWD, Hatchback with a Turbo.
sure, it's a little higher off the ground, but no one was complaining on here about the Suzuki SX4
sounds like a lot of money, energy, and effort expended just for a car to tell you what you can already see out the front of your windshield.
I'm pretty sure a vegetable could have fooled Cracked.
it's the cesspool of the internet.
The over-the-top nature of car reveals is just the funniest thing.
just put it on a dark stage so no one can see it and then drop a spotlight on it. Bam,
this was the cheesiest thing ever. What does a woman hanging in the air with a 4 story tall skirt have to do with ANYTHING?
SEAT, stop taking notes from Acura. They…
The Ford Rimjob.
I didn't just make that up, I swear
sports googles.
I'm looking for a car that has the most obscure, useless feature that you could think of so you could make a commercial saying you're the only company that does so.
That's why I like Windows Phone and Android over iOS, they have more than one center button.
with Windows Phone you hold down the back button to see all open apps, and you hit the home button to go back to the Home Page and keep your current apps open.
I Imagine it's much the same with Android.
grrr. you beat me to it.
You just said it yourself. The user base get's angry over things that change.
Changing the user interface until it's decent over and over again will absolutely piss off anyone who uses the device.
Welcome to Kinja, we hate this website because it's changed drastically 8 times in the last 2 years.
You can sit there and…