
If you think about the points individually it makes sense. At each point only two lines meet.

I'd happily donate. Someone make this happen plz.

Before I got my Speed3, I wasn't a big fan of the smile. Now that I've owned it for a while I love it. It always makes me smile too.

Sometimes in video games when I get to a really high level, I like to go back and fight all the low level enemies to make myself feel like a badass. I can only assume he was doing the same thing.

It's not what I was expecting, but I love this. Granted I love the drawing even more, but I'm a fan of this more subtle version. If they could knock off some of that weight this could definitely go on my dream car list along with the original.

I would like to try this with my constantly angry, non-English speaking, Cuban Grandmother. Anyone want to donate a GT-R for the cause?

If I'm on a road with rest stops, I probably stop at every single one. If not, I can hold it forever. I'd rather my bladder explode than use a gas station bathroom.

There's a very real chance that I would cry if I saw one in person. I had a chance to see the Agera when they were filming the Need for Speed movie about 20 minutes away from me, but other things got in the way.
Sadly, I've never lived in an area where I had a chance to see many dream cars.

This actually happened to my Mom and I once when I was a kid. We got in the car and as I looked around at the dozens of manilla folders on the floor and strange yarn art hanging from the rear-view mirror, my natural reaction was "Mom, who put all this stuff in your car?"

I'm crying.
Six seasons and a movie.

My brother's girlfriend does this thing while she's driving where she just completely lets go of the steering wheel because she's "tired" and forces my brother to steer from the passenger side. Granted, I doubt there are many people who do this. But if I ever met one, I don't think we could be friends.

Also, this

Not trying to be a dick, but posting a video so all the guys can hear you giggle makes you come off as a bit of an attention seeker. It just perpetuates the percieved notion of what girls who enjoy "guy stuff" are like.

I just bought a 2010 Mazdaspeed 3 yesterday. I was talking to the manager and he told me that he was surprised as I look like "a very conservative girl". He also told me I have "gumption". Older people are neat.

What a horrible human being. I hope her time in jail is as bad as she deserves it to be.

Sad to say I own one. If only I had the same knowledge of cars then that I do now.

When cars that shouldn't have racing stripes have racing stripes.
Why it's unfair: they make you go faster.

This. I'm 5'3 so my seat adjustment is easy peasy. Not to mention I have no problem fitting in any car ever. Being short is good sometimes.

Good advert.