
As a man with a lovely wife, I can tell you Cum On My Titties City is a favorite vacation spot of mine.

You're welcome! I wish more women could enjoy it without the stigma, even though I understand it. Honestly, the smell of vagina is arousing to me. Something primal, I dunno. I've had to convince girlfriends with some reassuring conversation to let me do it. After they got comfortable, I've never had a woman tell me

Jesus: Dad...Dad!!! There's so much shit going on down there. People are starving, dying of disease, hurting and killing one another. What do we do!?

Relax, ladies, it's not that big of a deal. Yes, showering is good, but if you're generally hygienic I don't think it's a problem. I've never encountered it, anyway.

The comments on posts like this always disappoint me, because I am forced to recognize the left's total inability to rightly criticize religious stupidity and misogyny for fear of being perceived as an islamophobe.

I'll direct you to's definition of ad hominem:

I think all attendance requirements at the college level are horseshit. Students pay to attend, you're not doing them a fucking favor. And if they do well on assignments, papers, presentations, then listening to you drone on is pointless. And if they don't attend and it adversely impacts their grades, fuck 'em.

Maybe, maybe in the same way it was your parent's to give you the critical thinking skills to realize many ethical questions don't exist in black/white paradigm. How's that for ad hominem? How about you debate the actual issue? Wait, you can't.

I think people tend to get involved in things that are scripted. Thus the rise of virtually all television shows, movies, etc.

I'll explain a bit of the backstory:

In the modern pro-wrestling artifice, the line between what is scripted and what isn't is blurred. To the die-hards, and they know wrestling is fake,

Explain why I should feel guilt about cheating in 1) a relationship neither party was happy in (note: I'm not placing blame as to why either of us was unhappy. I'm equally as responsible for that in the instances in which I'm referencing). 2) They went on to be in more healthy and satisfying relationships? (As did I).

I've always wondered who it was that was having mind-blowing, kinky sex with his/her male/lady friend and thought, "My goodness, this is fucking terrible!" and how the fuck that idea was disseminated into human cultures. The last thing I'm thinking when the wife is asking for it from behind and wanting her hair pulled

I have, in fact, cheated on a partner before. I haven't slept with someone who was married, but I don't think that would be the biggest motivating factor in preventing me from sleeping with them. What if their partner was an asshole? Or verbally abusive? Yes, they probably should divorce them for their own mental

I just don't view marital fidelity as being of some grand moralistic import. The only people marriage fidelity matters to is those participating in the marriage. If someone wants to fuck around on their spouse, they will, and it has no cosmic significance whatsoever.

I suppose, although I'm viewing it through my own lens of experience. I just find it oddly, I dunno, possessive. As in, "I liked you so now your sexuality is off limits," just rubs me the wrong way. I know that it's hurtful, but I think the onus is on the person being hurt to cope.

Although it kind of does matter what seems normal to other people. You can be decent to others without having to placate someone else's jealousy and insecurity that you're sleeping with people.

In response to the letter about the woman and her graphic sex talk towards her friend: wow, the Gawkersphere is full of prudish assholes.

You must be such a great person to hang out with.

It's not anyone's job to protect a marriage other than the people involved in said marriage. Husband or wife wants to cheat, they will. Someone passing delays the inevitable.

You're misunderstanding me. Behavior was perhaps an ineloquent way to describe what I mean.

You suck.