
Cultural appropriation has got to be the dumbest and most absurd faux-outrage manufactured on this site and by the American left.

What you're really supporting is cultural segregation. It's inherently offensive to engage in any practice that isn't indigenous to the culture you were raised in? Pray tell, then, how you

Literally every person that gives a shit about jokingly saying something with religious implications is an insufferable asshole.

That was a solid read, thanks.

Listing things you've done doesn't explain why you did it. Was it a child or fetus you delivered?

You're telling me there isn't at least a reasonable argument to be made for the personhood of a fetus that has made it to six months? Even if you disagree with it?

Cultural appropriation has to be one of the singular dumbest things a person can be offended by.

There's no shortage of irony in claiming you're not "showing comprehension problems" and simultaneously claiming I didn't acknowledge my original comment as incorrect when that is the very thing I did in in the prior comment.

Well, I do happen to feel as though an abortion that late in the pregnancy is wrong. So yes, by proxy, I'm saying you're wrong. Was I denying that was the case? I may not have been aware of the exact time frame of viability, but there are premature children born at six months who survive (obviously with the help of

I'm not sure what other forum there is for discussing the medical ethics of a certain procedure other than on the comment section of a story that relates to it. I'm not out verbally berating women or advocating the stripping of their right to choice. I just (again, emphasis on the word personally) find the termination

I think there are probably perfectly valid reasons for having an abortion that late, (especially in instances where the life of the mother is at risk) but it just seems...I don't know, wrong? (Trust me, I HATE using that language in regards to this issue).

Six months is just far too late. It's feasible the fetus (or

I'm very much a pro-choice advocate, and even I'll admit, terminating a pregnancy at six months makes me deeply uncomfortable.

You're right. I forgot about the great philosopher of our time: NinjaCate. Better consult her before I think.

What blows my mind is how absolutely no one recognizes the autonomy of the dancers in her performance. Yes, they were absolutely FORCED to perform with her.

The alternatives aren't just Aerosmith and incredibly shitty electronic music.

I grew up in Kentucky for the first 22 years of my life (I'm 27 now). I've never once attempted to hide my accent or heritage. In fact, having the accent has gotten me more female attention than any other quality, haha. Which might be sad? Ah, fuck it

THIS. This is why I wouldn't want the Christian religion to be true even if it was: it is inherently totalitarian.

That's fine. I don't mind. Because, well, I don't walk around with the sense of entitlement that people have to respect my beliefs.

If your strongest argument FOR something is that you can't disprove it...well, you're operating on flimsy ground. Can you prove a unicorn named Todd DOESN'T supply me with fresh spring water flown in from the world's purest sources? No, but you certainly don't base your life on the assumption that it's true, because

Nope. That's where you and I have to disagree. In my summation of human existence, I think it's harmful for humanity (as a whole) to cling to delusional belief systems.

Now does that mean I'm walking into places of worship and spitting in their faces? Does that mean I even register a reaction when I see a group of

I was referencing Christianity, but also religion as a whole.