That's fucking crazy, because teen pregnancy rates have dropped by half in twenty years and are the lowest since the 60s. Ya know, the same time you were growing up.
That's fucking crazy, because teen pregnancy rates have dropped by half in twenty years and are the lowest since the 60s. Ya know, the same time you were growing up.
What he meant to say was:
You can believe whatever you like. Only other people aren't required to pretend that said belief is somehow reasonable, logical, or even good. That's the difference.
I'm gonna say it's probably because religion is bullshit?
I want to begin an atheist *slow clap* every time new data comes out that more people are abandoning magical thinking and religion altogether. It genuinely gives me hope for future generations that some day believing that a Jewish carpenter from Palestine who was a man-god can hear your thoughts on the daily will…
Please, let common sense prevail here. The world is not required to conform to your specific religious beliefs. Especially when said beliefs are contrary to gender equality.
Pro-tip: just don't drink milk at all.
You only need to look at newer religions to see what a fraud every religious tradition is. What makes the Scientology story any crazier than thinking saying a prayer turns a wafer and some juice into the skin and blood of your long dead Jewish carpenter/man-god?
The first season is legitimately one of my favorite gaming experiences of all time. The story and characters are so incredible that for the first time in my adult life, I found myself day-dreaming about getting home to finish it like I did for video games as a kid. For that, thanks Tell-Tale, you made me love a game…
I know someone who spent a great deal of time with Governor's family growing up and she claims he was always very socially liberal and even anonymously donated to the local Planned Parenthood affiliate regularly. I'm kind of glad to hear he's stuck to his guns on this issue.
Fuck these people.
Also, it's been really…
Yeah, this means you're kind of a grade-A asshole.
Here's a mea culpa to the whole problem: stop giving a single shit about whether or not you conform to any gender definitions. I don't mean in a descriptive sense (I'm biologically and anatomically male), I mean in the cultural sense. I'm male, yet I give a fuck less about hunting, cars, the UFC, the size of my…
Of course you shoudn't be a cunt to someone strictly because of their weight. That's stupid, ignorant, and unnecessary.
But having a conversation, on a site that encourages conversation, about health/weight issues isn't shaming. It's bringing a topic to the table that we need to be talking about. Obesity-related…
I proposed to my fiance at her work, without a ring, totally on a whim because I wanted her to know how much I cared for her and we'd had the conversation before.
Could've been planned better, I guess, but the heart wants what it wants.
Question: how pissed would you hypocrites be if I wrote an article entitled, "Kate Upton and Her Tits Come Out As Bisexual"?
I don't take anything on face value, and assume almost everything contains some facsimile of bullshit. Even absent the information presented in the episode, I take issue with their tactics and overall branding. There are better ways to defend animal rights than throwing fake blood on B-list celebrities.
As a vegan, it sucks having such a shitty, virtually evil entity like PETA being associated with your dietary choice. Watch Penn & Teller's: Bullshit episode about PETA. Eye-opening.
Since we can all live in a world where obesity somehow doesn't impact health (as some commenters would have us believe) I suppose I won't argue the health point.
Since we can all live in a world where obesity somehow doesn't impact health (as some commenters would have us believe) I suppose I won't argue the health point.
As a guy, I deal with snarky bullshit from my friends because I practice yoga consistently and I'm also vegan. Despite the fact that I'm healthier and in better shape than nearly all of them, they feel it is necessary to constantly proselytize me on why I should focus more on heavy lifts and eating meat. I just…