
This picture looks like Incognito is forcing Sir Patrick Stewart to give him a blowjob.

What the fuck is terrible about Revolution X?

zelda breath of the wild

“beat the worst team in the league in ot”—-please show some respect. The Browns are pretty much the worst team in history—in any league.

Bet they didn’t want to show all the green in the stands from the other angles.

Sure thing, Mr. Jackson.

I knew Gal in person. She was cruel toward victims of sexual violence. She uses dehumanizing language to talk about Palestinians. She participated in the 2006 assault on Lebanon that killed over 500 children. She’s not a hero. She’s an actress with a pretty face. I would recommend finding some real heroes

I’m forced to read this as trolling. Okafor is reeeeeally bad. He would not make the nine-man rotation if the players on this list were a(n extremely awful) NBA team.

They’re both lousy. Dunn in particular is horrible.

Damn Lombardi that was a lot of words when you could have just said “Hey I, a racist,think black men are shiftless”

In a related story, here’s a shot of the latest stop of Joe Paterno on his apology tour.

I call my penis Tiger Woods. Just like Tiger, hot blondes women in their 20's don’t want to see it naked anymore, it hasn’t won a golf tournament in years and the hard center of it is broken so it kind of tilts to one side.

Look,if we are dicussing this subject we NEED to have a long hard think about where to draw lines.
Currently many areas in the east of ukraine majority russian and have been for generations.Are we seriously going to get into a big fight over an area that WANTS to be part of russia?

Wow. What a pile of shocking lies.

And there is also some hypocrisy with Putin pushing back against arming the rebels. When he launched a brutal offensive against rebels in Chechnya in the early 2000s, he said he did so to defend Russia against terrorism.

There is a grand total of zero facts in this entire post. Fun fact: Ukraine was a part of Russian Empire and then Soviet Union. What “secret deal” did the Soviet Union need to “nab” it’s own territory? 

So we’re arguing that Afghanistan’s turn was central to winning he cold war now? That’s an interesting take.

It worked out so well in Afghanistan!

Get outta here with those remake screenshots. Woof.

As someone who lives in Barcelona and knows zero Catalan, I would say this place is very Spanish.