
You managed to find to only one with less range.

Afro ninja is really still trying to prove himself after his failed attempt.

Swine y u no accept facebook friend request!?

Dad was just making sure he'd never have to drive to another Justin Beiber concert ever again.

It's not a laser, it's a little light-bulb that blinks!

Does anyone else find DOHC's hilarious now?

Hey then proceeded to pick the shards of glass out of his sandals.

Martin, adonde vamos no necesitamos calles!

New drinking game:

Look at me now, look at me know. I'm gettin oppoooooooo

I came here just to make a Copenhagen wheel reference. H-click.

I came here just to make a Copenhagen wheel reference. H-click.

I have many leather-bound seats, my interior smells of rich mahogany.

4 for 37? That's 4th quarter LeBron Stats.

"I tried to hang it out pretty far and lost it." -Mr. Cooper

Recycling my comment:

-Marie Antoinette

I tried to hang it out pretty far and lost it. -John Bobbitt

The speed is not the issue here, dude!

Chevroletu runnu deepu.