
Albert Speer reported Hitler, in private comment, said "You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity.

Two criminal omissions:

Let's not forget that TMP took 45 minutes to even get the engines working. It's a pretty dull picture.

I keep forgetting nothing bad ever happens in the other Star Trek movies. Star Trek II isn't dark at all what with killing off a main character and including a madman bent on revenge. Nothin' but fun there. Star Trek III isn't dark at all, even though Kirk's son gets killed and the Enterprise blown up, with the crew

Just a note, I was self-diagnosed for a long time, but I have since been formally diagnosed. Sometimes, self-diagnosis is the first step in pursuing actual medical diagnosis by a trained clinician. It's that place where you realize maybe there's a name for the way you think, and maybe you can start to make sense of

Asperger's/ASD is a pretty distinct set of traits and tendency that tend to recur together. It's not just "hey, that's a weird guy," as much as "Hey, that guy is weird in a pretty consistent way that's extremely similar to a bunch of other people who are weird in a pretty consistent way." It's a form of autism, dude;

I don't think you've made a compelling argument that the question of personhood is any more pertinent than that of human life.

Seriously. At that price, if its half decent, I might get one.

I'm just gonna go ahead and, instead of responding to the rest of this incoherent rant, point out that the man's name was Pilate, not Pilot, and he was the Roman governor, not a Jew. The local Jewish leaders were Herod Antipas and the high priest Caiaphas.

I still get super irritated when people assume everyone has access to the sort of data plans that allow for enormous amounts of streaming. I have 3 gigs a month and my job is such that I'm listening to music for seven hours a day most of the week. I can't stream for all of that without paying for overages. I'm not an

I am ashamed to admit I love that album.

Do we have the Camry 32? No. We have the 2012 Camry. It makes sense to just have an annually updated iPhone with a year for the model number. "I have a 2015 iPhone." THAT makes sense.

You can find out who various world leaders are by typing in, say "president of france" (without quotes) and up pops the name Francois Hollande.

This is collapsing around us.

I still buy off of iTunes because I don;t have reliable access to Spotify at work, and my job would be murder if I didn't have tunes to listen to. I do data entry all day for a retail website, so I need a stock of my own music. Streaming options on my company computer are nonstarters, and my iPhone only has 3GB a