
Fuck off.

I’d guess because Patrick Stewart’s facial structure hasn’t changed much in 30 or 40 years. Carrie Fisher looks very different than she did when she was 17.

Casting sorted.

Depends. What did the monkey say? Was he articulate, defended those who needed it? Then yes.

I’m all for rich Trump supporters to throw around money while desperately telling everyone they meet that they’re not racist. I get the impulse, and the $450 is crazy generous. But saying the equivalent of, “Oh, you’re one of the good ones. Here’s some money.” still seems off putting.

Costume looks cool. Maybe it’s time to remember that Halloween is about having fun for the night, not getting pedantic about the proper interpretation of a comic book character.

Matt Fraction. Hawkguy. ‘Nuff said.

Gotta place this here...

Missed the biggest one. Took the best young fantasy and magic book series out there and changed almost everything, and made it awful.


Dr. Steuben

“Eat me,” Dr. Steuben cried,
“I’m begging you - I’m pleading.
I’m looking for a way to die,
And you could use the feeding.”

I wrote this when I was 17, inspired by Feynman diagrams:

“Gay”? Really?

I’d argue that Margaret Atwood’s whole oeuvre is pretty timeless (The Handmaid’s Tale is already a classic without a doubt). But Her Maddaddam Trilogy (Oryx and Crake, Year of the Flood, and Maddaddam) is truly exemplary. I can’t wait to read it again in ten years time, or twenty years time, and see which of her

Love this book.

Thank you for saying this. Ive argued this point many times. Racism isn’t simply the by-product of having a hatred towards another race. A lot of racism is the by-product of a white majority sharing space with a fairly large-sized minority that resents how it’s been treated over time. Especially in the South. It’s

I grew up in the south (Arkansas) and so I encountered plenty of racism. People generally knew enough to hide their racism against black people (though our neighbors blatantly said they were moving because a black family moved into the neighborhood), but anti-Latino racism was almost acceptable. People would say

LeGuin's prose in this book is exquisite. It reads almost like poetry. Every sentence is carefully crafted. She paints vivid pictures of the people and scenes, and emotional situations and descriptions seemed real and genuine. It is one of my favorite books of all time (and I first read it more than 30 years ago).

Wind up Bird Chronicle, translated by Jay Rubin.

I like different authors for different styles, and Alan Lightman crafts sentences like a sculptor creating flowing motion and smoothness and singularity of purpose.