Sean Holshouser

I changed mine to because I just don't want to lose my early adopter status.

Yeah, because nothing pulls a person up by their bootstraps, and out of poverty, quite like dropping $10,000 on a wedding.

That also explains the streak of the photo that is a noticeably different exposure than the rest. Rolling shutters.

Just because they took the plea doesn't mean they did it. Baldwin didn't want to take the deal, but rejecting it would have kept Echols on death row.

Yeah, I have a 6" cable that acts as a jumper between the aux input and the phone. It was better than having the audio come straight from the 30-pin, cause with the aux I can get audio from any device with a 3.5mm output.

Building your life around a physical keyboard and then suddenly not needing one just frees up more space on your desk. It's not the same thing at all. Now, had people built their lives around, and bought desks that didn't have a place for a physical keyboard, and then all of a suddenly had to scab plywood on, or buy

Headphone jack on the bottom is a deal-breaker, don't even bother shipping it over from China.

If I have to deal with putting my phone in a dock at work, but not being able to hook headphone up, I'm gonna be pissed and just skip this phone altogether.

Well shit...I hate when tha happens.

Case closed. 2003 Sonata. Nice work to astrograph in the first comment.

the car in the video is a 4 door (based on the placement of the B-Post) and it doesn't have a spoiler (based on it not having a freaking spoiler, did you even bother to look at the video or the still image before you posted the first white car you could think of that wasn't a Sonata?)

No, no one thought to mention it could be a car that was never sold in the US.

This is the greatest thing ever! I don't know why I bother arguing with decent humans on sites like FB and Giz, when I could scam the scammers?! Maybe even one day work my way up to the big leagues and get my own wood carvings?

The creasing of the Edge isn't similar to the car in the's not even close. The edge doesn't have a crease all the way across the rear hatch, above the license plate, and most importantly, above the rear emblem. The Ford emblem on the Edge is way too high to be the car in the video.

No it doesn't. If you play the vid back frame by frame you notice ir's just an artifact of a crappy video being shot of a crappy tv screen. Eventually the phantom front antenna disappears, and you can see the rear antenna in the proper place for an X5.

Edge is missing the crease in the rear hatch. On the suspect car the rear emblem is below that crease, where on the Edge, if there was a crease, the ford emblem would be above it.

Not an Edge, rear emblem is below the body panel crease. The Edge's emblem is above.

I already know where my $28k is going. Don't worry Porsche, it won't be the last time this Saab beats you.*

"I don't want anything to do with that video!"

I think I might have to make a G+ account now. Not because of YouTube parties, that's still a little strange to me; but because lately picture wall posts on my FB newsfeed have been getting out of control, and I just saw my first 'post this picture on 10 people's walls or else'.