Yeah, exactly what I was thinking. Why would I spend $18k on something that's 7-11 branded?!?
Yeah, exactly what I was thinking. Why would I spend $18k on something that's 7-11 branded?!?
Yeah, I gotcha. There are definitely a lot of people who were essentially nothing more than cannon fodder, and that's definitely worse than just racking up killstreaks without helping with objectives. Either way, I'm glad that it seems like Destiny (so far) hasn't had that issue as much as some other FPS.
I don't think he meant ALL Halo kids, and I'm inclined to agree with him in that case. Certainly playing well can get you kills, and there's no problem with a person or two racking up killstreaks, but in a lot of cases it won't help THAT much.
Well, as much as I love Halo, it's good to hear that Destiny encourages SOME sort of team play; playing CTF with a bunch of guys who were uninterested in actually capturing the flag used to get pretty frustrating!
Stupid question, as I didn't get to start the beta until it was about an hour from ending (and thus only played part of the "training" section):
Agreed. If the new control scheme makes these easier to play, I'm all in. RE 1, 2, and Code Veronica are some of my all-time favorite games (I like 0 and 3 as well, but the controls were starting to feel dated to me by the time I played 0).
Interesting, I'll give them a look, thanks!
Interesting, I'll give them a look, thanks!
Yeah, the problem is, I know there are better sets out there, but if they can't stay in my ears, then they're useless to me. The IE2s are my best compromise so far. And my dog just ate 'em. ;)
Yeah, the problem is, I know there are better sets out there, but if they can't stay in my ears, then they're…
Instead of submitting my suggestion, I have a question:
Instead of submitting my suggestion, I have a question:
Yeah, that's definitely fair, but I figured I should qualify your statement since it sounds like you're talking about all versions. I'm not surprised the PC following is pretty dead though. Shame.
Yeah, I'm not a big online-only person, but as those types of games go, Titanfall is fun as hell. I can't see playing the game forever as-is (it needs more content, I'd say), but it's definitely a game that's worth the pick up if you can get it on sale. I picked it up at launch for $60 and didn't regret it.
Xboner here. I haven't played Titanfall much recently, but when I did pick up the controller to play last week, I had no trouble instantly dropping into a few games. I think it depends on your choice of system, and the mode you play (I would imagine Campaign is always going to be more sparse).
Yup, agreed. This is one of the things Dark Souls does best, in my opinion. Whatever your thoughts are on the rest of the game (or games), generally speaking, if you can see a castle/tower/cliff/etc. on the horizon, you can get to it. It makes the world feel more organic and substantial, and gives you a more intense…
While I love his work, there's some really stellar stuff in Mass Effect as well. I'd rather 343 picked him up, and let him keep working on Halo. With that being said, few games wouldn't be improved by Marty's work.
I think he's just saying that the guy is an anonymous troll, and has a burner because he doesn't have anything of real value to add to the discussion.
How come?
Oh yeah, I see that! Weird.
Yeah, I've only played D3 on console, so a lot of tweaking has already been done to the game on my side. With that being said, the Rifts, Crusader, and new loot all sound pretty damn cool, so I kinda wanna pick RoS up, even though I'm bored of D3.
Is it? That's certainly possible, although I hadn't heard that. It's also their "cow level" for this game, which has been an in-joke since Diablo I.
Makes me wanna pick up Reaper of Souls...