
Personally the sheer... viscerality (it tells me that's not a word, but it's the best to describe what I'm talking about) of pregnancy disgusts me. Like if I were pregnant I would be physically ill (beyond the pregnancy related symptoms) until I terminated (which I would do because I'm also incapable of carrying a

I can't explain it, but I'm sort of disgusted by pregnant women. Always have been. I generally keep it to myself, though.

Are you judging what another woman does with her body?

Why yes, it is a picture of someone's face and upper torso.

Another good example. They're not mystical cartoon characters. These people are either mentally ill or cruel beyond belief (or, I don't know, a dozen other flesh and blood explanations).

I feel the same way about the word "evil."

I hate terms like monster. He's not a monster, that makes him sound like something otherworldly or not human. He is a terrible human being who shows us some of the worst of what people can be (or, depending on your perspective, what can happen with viciously misguided youth in a fucked up world). Call him what he

I don't necessarily disagree with you but then you're saying you don't believe in our basic system of government. And if that's true, and if you're truly willing to go to war with our government then more power to you, but the fact is the people you see marching in this referenced event are not. They think they can

I think your knee-jerk reaction is invalidated by the fact that I disapprove of how the Zimmerman case ended.


i think you bring up something that catches my feelings on this.. that to me it is a bigger deal that she is privileged and appropriating the "ghetto" culture than the fact that she is white. if she came from this kind of culture, then it would be genuine, white or not. but she is rich and playing at the whole thing,

I had the same reaction. I grew up in poverty and in a very diverse town. I've always been poor, I've always been held back by financial bounds. I'm at a place in my life where I may continue college and better my life, but only if financial aid holds out. I bristle a little at "black culture" being diminished to

Yeah, I was thinking of that too. I know there is a lot of anger around white artists taking things mainstream, making money and being praised for black art forms when the black artists are considered trashy or not respectable. I don't know where exactly the line is drawn between being an amateur artist

Oh, for some reason I thought he was. My mistake. Also, not really the gist of my comment.

At first, I strongly disagreed with this article until I got to this line: "She can play at blackness without being burdened by the reality of it.." Now I get it. As a white girl who grew up in, what i have always called the 'hood, and was the only white girl around, these things didn't feel like black culture or

Also the fact that when Nicki Minaj for example does similar things she is called a wide variety of sexist names and deemed a bad role model. While Cyrus gets cool points and lauded for doing the exact same things.

On the one hand, everything in American culture is basically borrowed from elsewhere. I will never agree that it is inappropriate to enjoy a particular piece of music or style of dance. However, Miley and other performers use black cultural cues to appear bad ass, and it is distasteful to borrow the "hardcoreness"

To be fair, it is sometimes difficult to look your best when you are traveling on a budget. I always tried to have a change of "nice"clothes, however I generally wore and packed clothes that were easy to wash and didn't need that much care and I probably looked crazy half of the time. When I am traveling for work or

I'm half-American. I was born and raised here. I lived for two years outside of the United States. I LOATHE THE TERM UGLY AMERICAN! Why you ask?