
Hard Disagree. BotW combat is like most every other open world game. I would say its more like AC or Arkham games than Souls games. It didn’t help that the game has the same enemies throughout it and on top of that they were not very varied. IMO the combat is the greatest shortcoming of that game. They needed way more

You are a King among peasants.

*Tips fedora to you

This is just a lazy cash grab. I love Nintendo, but man do they put the least amount of work into a game and come away with bags of money because of their hardcore fanbase and nostalgia banking.

I mean that would be a correct statement yes. The headline reads that PS5 owners don’t play first party games and that is so far from the truth. The truth is though that when you gauge in hours played, of course it would be skewed. There is only 1 first party game that has a ton of replayablility and that is MLB the

Clickbait title. Of course multiplayer games and sports games will chart higher since its based on hours played. A game like Ratchet is a one and done game, where you can play sports and shooters multiplayer over and over again.

What is really surprising is the fact that Miles and Dark Souls charted at all.

Looks like you fell for the stupid clickbait headline too. This article skews the actual numbers. The number are based on hours and of course people are going to play games like NBA, Madden, CoD and Fortnight more than they will a 5-10 hour long game. These games have insane replayablility. A game like Ratchet would

I remember this same argument about the PS4 when the switch came out, but in reverse. Hilarious. PS4 had saturation and Switch was new, blah, blah.

I once saw a a graph of all the things china has the worlds most popular of. It was literally almost everything manufactured in the world. Beer, cars, alcohol, you name it.
The kicker though was it has this distinction simply for the fact that China has 1.4 billion people within it’s borders. Only India competed

The Mandalorian fills that fantasy you speak of. Keep in mind this is Boba after teh events of the Sarlack pit, wondering the desert for 5+ years.This feels like a logic step for him and we have yet to see the actual seedy underworld of the Star Wars Universe yet. We caught glimpses of it, but this show will aim to

What are you talking about? How is this indicative of them being bad at managing star wars. If you are latching onto the line that this article does, then you don’t understand Boba at all.   Disney looks to be pulling from the EU for this and nailing it.  


Eh, Tough call.  Facebook is really only destructive for US, while Google is pretty mainstream world destructive.

Do you use that same energy when it comes to google. Google is the largest seller of information and privacy.  

“In the Toy Story universe, it would be like a movie that maybe Andy would have seen, that would have made him want a Buzz Lightyear figure.”

That is straight from the director. Chris Evans said what he said when he hadn’t even voiced a single line and had just signed on like a day before he made the tweet.


If anything this is a refreshing film for Pixar. They just did Soul which was pretty heavy. They haven’t really done a true Sci-fi film yet.

AS for your final comment about them being not what they use to be, I hard disagree. Incredibles 2 and Coco are amazing and those are only 3 years old or so. Luca was a cute film

Exestential nightmare? How is this hard to understand. It’s just a movie that Andy watched and then he got the Toy because he liked the movie.

“In the Toy Story universe, it would be like a movie that maybe Andy would have seen, that would have made him want a Buzz Lightyear figure.”

Direct quote from the director of the film. In the first two films you see Buzz Lightyear stuff everywhere including movie posters. Essentially we are watching the film that made

“In the Toy Story universe, it would be like a movie that maybe Andy would have seen, that would have made him want a Buzz Lightyear figure.”

That is what the director has said, wich is what everyone mostly assumed considering you see Buzz Lightyear posters and stuff in the first two films. 

“In the Toy Story universe, it would be like a movie that maybe Andy would have seen, that would have made him want a Buzz Lightyear figure.”

Direct quote from the director of the film.

It is though. This clickbait article didn’t even get the full quote from the director. He chose the part that allowed him to right this cringe article.

Here is what the director actually said before the popcorn bit.

In the Toy Story universe, it would be like a movie that maybe Andy would have seen, that would have