It doesn’t look anything close to that. It looks good. Combat a lone looks fantastic. Leagues better than anything Nintendo has done with Zelda.
With that said, yea Fuck Ubisoft.
It doesn’t look anything close to that. It looks good. Combat a lone looks fantastic. Leagues better than anything Nintendo has done with Zelda.
With that said, yea Fuck Ubisoft.
This game looks fantastic. The combat looks amazing and the game looks like it has some fun aethstics and exploration based rewards. Count me in.
I agree, which is why I never said anything. A commenter decided to give me a lesson on how to write the $ sign where one wasn’t warranted, so I gave him some information that he may have been ignorant about.
Rules change depending on the method and form of conversation. In person in the 3 languages I know, English, French and Italian it is always said after, but in one of those (English) it is written before, but oddly said after. Forums may be written but they are not formal and most people converse as if in a real conver…
Where I am from it is written after. You say it like it reads. 499 Dollars.
I bet it comes in at the 499$ price value. The last thing Sony wanted was an astronomical price difference of like 100 or 200$. I think they are perfectly ok with it being the same price as the XSX
Would never happen...especially not mid generation. That is a headache that neither want to deal with. I could see it now, some loyal Xbox or Sony fan buys tons of games and then they come out with a mid gen refresh that is discless. That would be saying, sorry to your biggest fans, but buy our new discless console…
What do the Nazi’s have to do with Doug Tenapel? You went through some insane mental gymnastics to make that connection.
What makes you think they are being “heroes”? The devs have already said that they portray both the English and the Vikings as morally gray as all humans are.
You also call them morons but they were among the smartest groups of people in their time. Their seafaring and navigation techniques were legendary. Most…
They have..
Assassins Creed Liberation was exactly that. Shame how people always forget that game even exists.
The Ghost of Tsushima ones are super nice. Also the Spider-Man and Witcher 3 ones are great too.
What? Spider-Man was never at launch. In fact he was never even announced until he was announced as POST launch DLC a few months after the game comes out.
So no he does not factor into your 1/7 equation of playable launch characters.
Hood looked like it could be cool in a year or two. Sumo Digital is an underrated studio.
???? What. Either you are trolling or your reading comprehension is absolutely terrible. Go back and read what I wrote.
I specifically said “PEOPLE WHO HATE CHANGE”, will not like it. This is because it is drastically different. Notice, I specifically talked to people who don’t like change.
At no point did I imply…
They have multiple options on how to view the website. There is classic, the new latest tab, and of course the new site that has all facets of Kotaku on one page.
Love the new layout. I know people who hate change will cry and cry, but I love how you catered to multiple types of readers.
No what you say is wrong. Last year when Sony and Marvel made a deal to keep Spider-Man in the MCU, they struck other deals too. One of those is the use of Spider-Man in Video games. Marvel got to keep merchandising rights to Spider-Man.
Essentially it is justs good deal graces they both do to keep friendly.
Sure if we are under the impression that your opinion about teh game trumps everyone else. The game itself has rave reviews. No game will ever be loved by everyone. IT sucks that you didn’t like it, but just because you didn’t like it doesn’t mean the game shouldn’t exist or that lightning didn’t strike twice.
Extremely disappointing showing.
Most of their stuff is years out. What is the e reason to by XSX at launch if you are not a Halo fan? Shoot even if you are Halo Infinite looked decidedly mediocre.
when compared to Sony who showed mostly Launch window games with a few 2021 titles sprinkled in but lots and lots of…
The game explores the same themes as the first and it is a distinct continuation of all the consequences and setup from the first game. I have no idea why you would think of it as a YA novel. Perhaps you only saw the first few hours where they focus on young love, but by the 4th hour all the way up until the 20 or 30…