
You don’t need a fancy car for this to happen. Every single car has features that condone bad behaviour. I see it everyday with people messing with their radios or setting up carplay or doing their makeup. Why would Tesla be any different. Its not like the people that drive them are any smarter or dumber than anyone

There are many forms of bravery. In regards to game creation and what they did, it is most certainly brave. They could have easily phoned in a sequel but didn’t.  

Creating a game that deals with subject matter that is highly controversial and standing to lose millions on that message is indeed brave.  

Sure, but that doesn’t make LoU2 a bad game because you didn’t like the story either..

Even if the story and gameplay changes don’t resonate with you..its still pretty brave and crazy that they decided to do this. No other game company could pull something like this off.

It’s pretty crazy they had the balls to do something like that. None of us have played the game so we don’t have the proper motions

Essentially Naughty Dog took some huge story and gameplay risks with this game. We can safely say that there has never been a game that has even attempted to do something like this, let a lone pull it off.

Its extremely raw, modern and twisty. All things that will divide people.

If anything though I will commend

No point. 

Explain to me like I am 5 pls.  What is all you peoples obsession with sound. its sound this and sound that, meanwhile the thing could be a fuck ton faster and more fun, but that doesn’t matter...cause sound. 

Sound means nothing when you are in the cockpit. 

I actually pointed out that none of the games I mentioned were Unreal 4 but that is because most companies choose to use their proprietary engines..but that doesn’t change my point or anyone elses.

Also keep in mind that you replied to that JAV guy where he said “I haven’t seen a single game look and run like that

They are really enlightening videos as to why Nanite could be the thing as to what Next Gen really means. Up until that UE5 demo we saw nothing that would say Next gen is here. MS hasn’t shown of anything good and Sony was being mum.

Hmm.  That is a good tip.  I might try your style there and see if it works out for me.  Once I grasp the nuance I can go back and try it without cheats.  

You nailed about half of what I didn’t like with it as well. 

No offense but you are startling wrong. Every system that is shown in the Elementals UE4 demo has been used this gen and some games even have all of them. Not only have they been met but they have been exceeded. Seriously go back and watch that video and then come back and tell anyone they are wrong...

Don’t take mine

What??? You are looking at those demo’s with rose colored glasses then. Go back and actually watch the Elemental UN4 demo. Not only does it look like shit compared to now but games have easily surpassed it, particularly from Sony with God of War and Last of Us 2. Even games made with Unreal look better like the

You really are being obtuse and I am now expecting you might just be a XBOX fanboy. Nothing against fanboys, but they tend to be biased even when WRONG, which you are.

Nothing Microsoft has shown has moved the bar forward. Its essentially just slightly better version of older games or some CGI trailers of newer ones,

That is not true in the slightest. To use your own example. It would be the difference between a 4 second load and ZERO load. The SSD on PS5 defaults at 5.5gig/s COMPRESSED which is twice as fast as XSX, but it has the potential to actually go higher. Cerny says that it can actually go up to 9gig/s when using

This is pretty much how I play as well.  

I have owned Crusader Kings 2 since the day it came out and I have tried to get into it like 10 times in the years.  I played a ton of CK1, but for some reason I could never get into to it.  I don’t understand why.   I even bought all the DLC with the intention of playing it some day and still havn’t.  Lol maybe I

Boy the internet really knows how to hate everything. Nothing brings joy anymore.  

Man people really know how to just hate everything huh. Its like no one remembers how to have fun and enjoy the little things anymore.