
Racists never have enough brain power to be original. Just be lazy and steal.

It’s literally the right to always be on top.

Baby steps. That’s how the fascists do it; chipping away at us one piece at a time. First it’s MS-13, then it’s just ‘illegals’, then it’s ‘hispanics’ and pretty soon it’s ‘non-whites’.

This is awful. And we’re letting this administration get away with it.

This is exactly why it matters when the administration refers to MS13 as “animals.” Because they use that to dehumanize everyone they can, one step at a time. First it’s known gang members, then people with any criminal background, having the wrong tattoo, hanging out at the wrong place. It’s all done so that any one

We should also take a closer look at her parents who are via, Chain Migration policies. Doesn’t seem legit.

Step by step. Inch by inch. First, it’s “illegals.” Then, it’s “shouldn’t be citizens.” Next, it’ll be “don’t deserve citizenship.” Before long, everyone’s right to live here will be at the government’s whim. Don’t salute the flag and sing the anthem? Criticize the president? Out you go.

The most worrying part of this active attempt to hunt down people who were “wrongfully” naturalized is that it’s going to get a lot of people who have been citizens for decades or longer. The people they’re claiming to be targeting are individuals who got picked up crossing the border illegally back in the days when

Before 2020.

Why do we act like she is a victim? I know this article is comedy. But others (not on this site) act like she is so innocent but her thieving ass is just as bad as him.

As Roy Moore and the Duggars have shown, the right isn’t particularly bothered by incest or pedophilia.

The pearl-clutching that crawls out when the alt-right seeks a tit-for-tat takedown is hilarious and sad. Their is no actual belief behind their poutrage, it is just for show.

The thing I don’t get about the people who’ve convinced themselves that those on assistance are just getting pregnant on purpose to “get free stuff” as if it’s some sort of prize: why don’t any of them just quit their jobs and go have some babies if it’s so great? Go be pregnant for nine months with limited or no

OF COURSE one of her children is named Jaxson.

Our bodies are not built to fight large cats. We have thin skin that doesn’t do a good job protecting our vitals from large claws and huge teeth. We’re good at problem solving and throwing things, and we’re built to do some physical things quite well, but fighting large cats and bears is not what we excel at.

Checks out..

“The moral is: don’t be a dick, just deal with employee injuries like a decent person”

One of the ALL TIME BEST Grandpa Simpson quotes! Gimme five bees for a quarter, you’d say.

And I ate the onion that was tied to my belt, which was the style at the time.