
The Roman Empire was nearly bankrupt at the time and converting to Christianity (and switching local administrative functions to the Church) both brought in needed liquidity but also cut the costs of administrating the empire. In essence, the Christian church bailed the empire out in return for political power.

But apparently neither of you appear cocky or ignorant... to you at least.

I saw the name of the establishment and wondered if Rose and Donna were somehow being hinted at.

He quotes Timothy then criticises this author about his credibility. LOL

There is no sin. Go and sin no more

In that case I want one now! Anna Faris can play the pregnant mother of the soon to be born messianic figure.

I'm sorry but this is very funny. How is she making any comparisons when she has multiple Unknown samples? She's discussing this as if she knows for certain what animal it came from as her starting point and working back through the DNA fragments she's "uncovered"! If your samples are from multiple species, which is

Ah, so here is the truth of it. My belief requires special treatment. My special Christmas display Must be shown but I will block any atheist, Hindu, or Muslim religious display...

Ridiculous and false. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and it's the theists that are making the extraordinary claim and forcing policy decisions based upon their mere belief. It is not on non believers to prove the non-existence of God any more than it is on the zoologist to disprove the existence

That's not really true. Some are, some are non-profits. I personally am tired of our schools being treated like any other business. It's destroying our education system and creating a new system that just wants to get people in the door to take the tuition money without providing a good education. It's like everyone