
This is a funny question, but couldn't they just fly the thing from Kansas to maryland?

See that mini cooper behind him? I feel like this is the definition of walk softly and carry a big stick

So sad, I had high hopes for aptera, and everything it stood for i.e. function over design

Oh look a company that cares that it's employees have a place to park /frustrated employee

All right verizon, doing something right for once!

Out of all the military related tech that come out you would think this would be something they would like to keep secret.

hey matt, you have what I think is your voicemail number (which would also be your phone number?) in one of the pics, you might want to fix that

Just those two? the backup assistant is pretty essential if your upgrading from a non-smartphone (it syncs your contacts from your phone in verizon's cloud and they can be downloaded onto a new phone.) I imagine they included this to prevent mass confusion with verizon store employees trying to update the average

This definitely reminds me of the trailer murder scene

ha I've been destarred and restarred before

Leave it to the british to protect something with a moat

Whenever I hear a GOP senator go "why are we spending millions of dollars to study flies?!" I want to reach through the TV and smack him

Probably not using conventional plastics you would find in bottles. When you look at the strength to weight ratio of the plastic vs steel or steel re-inforced concrete you would realize it simply wouldn't make a good replacement. It might "look" sturdy, but that's because the same shapes that optimize steel's

That's not how GPS works, they only transmit, they don't recieve

I don't see the controversy here, I have no problem with GPS tracking as long as a warrent is needed.

Nope, drunk driving and killed another person in the process, fire away at the idiot

They're built so they never have to be refueled for their lifetime which is 30-40 years, after that point every component on the sub is nearing the end of their service lives, so it would be more expensive to try to rip it all out and replace it. Those SSGNs have already lasted way beyond their original service life.

Your forgetting the most important part 4g, I have it on my current phone and it's a dream, it cuts the time you are actually using the phone in half because you aren't waiting for shit to load

The new Razr is miles ahead of the 4s, no holds barred

I love the aptera, purely form following function