
I would go with nexus to have the latest and greatest android. The Razr looks awesome, and I really like the splash proof tech, but I'd still go with the nexus


Each core is paired up and shares resources with another core. The reviews I've seen show it being outperformed by the 4 core i7 chips at almost everything


It looks on the video like the kid backed away from the other kid then took a step towards the cop

This actually looks completely appropriate

As long as they keep woldwide 3G I'm buying whatever they are selling

You were supposed to be the chosen one!

EHEM, a little company called TomTom tried this before, it didn't turn out to well for them

People said the same thing about Lobster 100 years ago....

You mean the tower that is currently the tallest thing in southern manhatten?

When there is no load for the reactor they have to shut it down to prevent damage to the plant

It was australia that fined nasa for littering, and the piece was an oxygen tank that landed on a jackrabbit

This would never be approved for sale by the Coast Guard because it doesn't keep you face up if you are unconscious.

Good tips for the hurricane

Will we ever see the footage? no

I'm so glad I watched until the end of that

So should apple be sued for copying alot of android's features in ios5?

Everyone in the FIRST community sort of cringes when he talks but his heart is in the right place
