Even if you just pay cursory attention to tech culture online, Veronica Belmont is likely a familiar face. For…
The Google Play Store is a handy way to get new apps for your phone, but there are some great features that you…
There’s a new Phoenix Wright game out in Japan today, which would be cause for way more celebration if publisher…
It’s summertime! And you know what that means? New anime—47 of them to be exact. But with so many anime, how do you…
We’ve seen cats and dogs getting along together just fine. But cats and owls? Welcome to the world of Hukulou…
Today, Square Enix announced a new Dragon Quest spin-off title. It’s called Dragon Quest Builders and looks like Mine…
A member of Lizard Squad, the group responsible for numerous attacks on gaming sites and platforms over the past…
I don’t want to spoil things for you, but the epic battle at Hardhome, easily the highlight of Game of Thrones’…
I gotta say, CD Projekt Red is killing it with all the free stuff they keep adding to The Witcher 3.
The newest Batman game is something a lot of fans—myself included—have been waiting a long time for. Now that it’s…
Feeling nostalgic for old-school Mortal Kombat? You’re in luck.
Here is a very pretty new limited edition PS4 that will ship on September 15 alongside the new expansion for Destiny,…
Good news: there’s new DLC on the way for BioWare’s giant-sized fantasy RPG. Bad news: it will only be playable on…
There’s a good reason why Frieza doesn’t usually have nipples. Make that, two reasons.
Some shoes are better to wear without any socks, especially in the summer months. Whether you like to wear flats,…
No, not that one. This home screen design aims to bring some calm to your hectic home screen. It includes several…
Ask anyone about Huy Fong Sriracha and they are likely to have a very strong opinion about the famous “Rooster…
Reader Pushkar submitted this good-looking desktop to our Desktop Showcase, and we love the look of it. Useful as a…