
Anjelica Huston, Ford model, muse to Richard Avedon, a “hatchet face”? You’re actually suggesting that Huston’s disdain of Polanski’s victim was not due to her own experiences with terrible men, but just plain ol’ jealousy? Keep it classy!

“You know Obamacare is really I think the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery. And it is in a way, it is slavery in a way, because it is making all of us subservient to the government, and it was never about health care. It was about control.”

Hopefully this shows that as a society we can get things right and criminals like him do face the consequences of their actions.

It sickens me that Jezebel would run such a slanted article.

That is assuming that the person leaking the details didn’t overhear other medical details, i.e. medications he takes, prior substance abuse, etc. With a non-famous person, your roommate would have no reason to broadcast that. With a famous person, they would. I don’t get what people don’t understand about that.

I work with a guy who is active in his church, volunteers time and money at a bunch of charities, and is genuinely helpful and conscientious at work. Plus, he never talks about his religion or his charity work (we found out because he was in the paper for being a "volunteer of the year"). He confuses the hell out of

There’s a guy who fucks with his socks on.

Can you tell me about how obesity leads to a strain on our healthcare system and people like you have to pay for it?

You’re right, my baby is probably going to die because I eat a bowl of cereal.

Abby Sciuto for President.

Last night was the first episode of NCIS I've watched since high school but um....I know McGee lost weight but I didn't reconize him at all! Like I thought it was Colin Hank's until everyone kept calling him McGee and suddenly I realized that was Sean Murray and I saw like all the bones in his face like what the

ProTip: The Caps Lock button is often just above the “Shift” key on your keyboard. If you press it once more you’ll stop typing like that.

Maybe we could do a tiny bit of research before accepting all this as fact and thanking the OP for it?

My point is that you’re conflating the ethical problems with the validity of the science. The science was sound from the beginning. You are misrepresenting how the process was developed. The ethics are not sound. That is the issue. Everyone you mention, the drug companies, the doctors, all have ethical problems with

It doesn’t take a PhD pharmacologist to understand how barbiturates work. The guy who proposed it was a medical examiner, which requires an MD. They teach advanced pharmacology in medical school. He also consulted with the Department Head of Anesthesiology at OU Medical School (a detail they failed to mention in your

This is really not accurate at all. There is very coherent science behind them. The first drug administered, sodium thiopental, is the same drug that they use to euthanize animals. It’s an incredibly powerful barbiturate that’s also used for general anesthesia. The doses used for lethal injection would cause the

John Yanchunis is is the lead plaintiffs’ attorney, not Rushcard’s attorney.

“Right, I’d have no problem with that article in a magazine that’s for middle school aged kids.”

Such an interesting woman, and what she did with Cosmopolitan was really remarkable, back before it was solely “how to please your man” tips. I think she is a good reminder that we can be feminists and still not have everything we do be feminist, and that is ok.