I don’t think they are trying to fix the root of the problem but instead save newborn babies from dying because for any number of reasons the mother felt she had to abandon her baby.
I don’t think they are trying to fix the root of the problem but instead save newborn babies from dying because for any number of reasons the mother felt she had to abandon her baby.
thin you say:
All I know is that I need a bacon cheeseburger palate cleanser.
Except that in the original NY Post article, she refers to maternity leave as a “socially mandated time and space for self-reflection.”
Oh boy would you love history class.
So you know comparisons are bullshit and your suggestion is to make them on a grander scale and tie other people’s wages to them.
I’ve never known a single iteration of tenure that protects physical violence. That’s not a problem with unions or tenure, that’s a problem with a particular school or a particular union local.
We could tell you about merit pay already based on standardized state tests and grades; it DOESN’T work. They’ve tried it in NYC already and in many other states. Not to mention the fact that state tests aren’t really valid measures of assessment. The livable wage, however, I can absolutely get behind.
Signed, a NY…
Thank you for writing this. I was wondering how pro-vaccination parents of children with autism felt about this movement. Like, isn’t it insulting to say that you’d rather your child possibly die than have autism? Obviously not the cause, but that logic is still there, and it is so disturbing.
Re: mercury (aka thimerosal), you might want to tell your sister the nurse (via the CDC):
Some people are allergic to vaccines and they don’t get them after doctors realize there is an allergy. Nobody has ever denied that an individual can have an allergic reaction to a vaccine. That’s partly why herd immunity is so important. Some people can’t get vaccinated and they rely on everyone else doing so.
Okay but if that self-cleaning kitchen floor thing comes through I want to know about it.
Nope. Sorry. Dumb. Just because you’re okay means nothing - vaccines should be mandatory, fuck having choices. If you’re a 5 year old kid you’re not in a place to make a decision on whether you should have a vaccine: your parents are, and if they don’t vaccine you they put your health and the health of those around…
I went to an all-girls’ high school. The crimson wave got you out of NOTHING.
Don’t Trust the B!@#$H in Apt 23 wins that honor
If Lady Gaga walks a runway and the audience cannot recognize her, does Lady Gaga walk the runway? Such existential…
New York City recently went from concrete jungle to the North Pole with skyscrapers, accumulating over 20 inches of…
like Rizzoli without Isles
By doing what method of detection? A rousing game of “duck, duck, slut”?