
As a former Romania orphan, I can concur that not having parents for a few early years of your life, or being moved between them, has had substantial research stating that it’s very very bad.

Got it. I’ve been an egg donor and I’ve seen how much it means to some women to give birth, even if it’s someone else’s bio material. It's deeply personal. I'm sorry for your aunt. Giving birth to multiples can be really hard on a body.

My heart hurts just thinking about that poor baby....

Also actual research:

This, on the other hand, is actual research:

So he didn’t refuse to accommodate student’s safety? He just said he’d hold class (I guess in his mind in defiance of the bullies or whatever) and students were free to come or retake the test later without a penalty. And apparently the University didn’t cancel classes so... I don’t know. This doesn’t seem nearly as

The rest of the professor’s email also told students they had to make the decision that was best for them (2) that he would also be giving a make up exam for people who made the decision to stay away from campus (3) and that as a professor he would follow the university’s directives regarding canceling class - at the

I would say there have also been some horrible headlines out of Canada. Yesterday a Federal Court Canadian Judge said one of the most vile things i have ever heard. He asked a homeless rape victim, “why dont you just keep your knees together” and “why she allowed the sex to happen if she didn’t want it”. The World

Um. That is a seriously misleading tweet image crop of an email that has been WIDELY circulated today:

Where I live, people think the purpose of an apostrophe is to warn the reader than an “s” is coming at the end of the word.

Espec. when you’re paying good money

This is ridiculous. You can’t treat parents this way. They have the right to know what is happening at their child’s school and to bring up their concerns. The school I work at does have problems but we make sure to treat our parents well and address their concerns as best we can. There are some parents’ demands that

And child care workers are paid far too little.

I need to be where you are. I barely ever hear it and *sorry*, I love it.

Oh, you link to xojane, a load-of-crap site that’s only good for hate-reading? My bad. You’re a stupid MRA

That the mother couldn’t afford to pay for. It’s hard to put yourself into her situation and it’s awful that she killed her son, but desperation is horrendous and until any of us have actually been in her situation we can’t judge her actions. She was a human being and there is only so much that a person can take

I hope you know that people like you are part of the problem.

As a black student at the University of Missouri, I can't tell you how amazing it has been to see how the athletic department and students of all colors coming together for this.

Judging cat is judgey.