
I’m 26 and he’s in his 50s. He’s a computer programmers and a gamer himself so it's been really awesome to share this with him. :)


i got to see the tip games with my dad, which made losing our collective shit over the steal all the more wonderful, but the best games were definately the EU Finals: Each game rested on a knife’s edge, I don’t think I’ve seen better games in the year I’ve been watching the lcs.

I’ve had food poisoning from restaurants more than once (ribs at one place, salade nicoise at another) and never seen a hair in my food.

well he has no ankles

And the things that happened to your food in the kitchen that you don’t know about. Probably nothing really bad happens in a good kitchen, but some of the kitchens I worked in....gross things happened to food in there.

Maybe this is where I am too lenient on service workers, but to this day I don’t understand how a single hair can instantly ruin all food within a 3 foot radius. I get that it’s gross at a primal level, but what exactly does a strand of hair do that is so threatening and offensive that it can’t simply be removed and

I'd go to more tennis matches if I could openly smoke weed there.

Plus, Ted Levine as Totally-Not-Hunter-S.-Thompson.

I want to play this, but since Until Dawn is releasing so soon I need to save my pennies. I also wouldn’t be surprised if this eventually makes it into the PS+ rotation.

Also: “I do particularly enjoy this kind of “Mysterious EVENT leads to empty town/woman is reading cryptic numbers on the radio/what the hell happened

No one’s done it better than The Venture Brothers, and no one ever will.

Oh good, I was afraid this would yet another Google Deep Dream post.

Somebody needs to tell this poor soul about the internet and Craigslist.

I still can’t listen to “Do You Hear What I Hear” without expecting to be attacked by Gremlins.

For cats, “accidentally” = “I thought this would make things more entertaining and fun, but it didn’t and now I regret my actions, and also it was all your fault. I am the victim here.”

But can you imagine if they had them? They’d have accidentally wiped out humanity on at least one continent by now.

Tbh if I was Tom Hanks, I’d change my name and pretend to have never met the guy. Possibly run away to some cabin in the woods and live off the fat of the land.