
Once again, you really don't get it. Rape often has some truly excessive assault going with it. It's not just a few bruises. We're talking surgeries and scars.

And secondly, having read your earlier post, man, where the hell do you get the idea that rape isn't brutal and violent most of the time. More often than not, it's about power and domination, not sex. Physical abuse goes hand in hand with power and domination.

I actually have faith that Hotline Miami wasn't going to use the subject senselessly, the first game's pretty clever, underneath the ultraviolence.

You can't seriously think rape isn't torture.

I remember playing Commander Keen on an old pc, in black and white. Matching colour coded keys to doors was a bastard, but it was still fantastic even then.

Erm, yes, generally it is.

Boy, you must sure have a tough time in modern society then. I have to say I'm honoured that you've decided to start your crusade against life being frivolously wasted here with me, on this internet comments section. 1 down, 5.99 billion to go, right?

I'd imagine that violence in the media does hurt a lot of people, and relatives of people, who have suffered through violent crime. Two points I'll make are

I put in a pretty big spiel in response to someone else on the post about it, but the way I see it, yeah my statement was a little glib, but it's all about not getting worse. We have a violence issue, we have a rape issue, if we can't tackle both, let's at least tackle one.


People who have been through traumatic violent experiences might indeed have a hard time with the violence throughout media. We very well could be more sensitive to that, but just because we aren't doesn't mean we shouldn't be sensitive to victims of sexual abuse. At it's simplest, it's a case of two wrongs don't

Yeah, not too late at all, there's all sorts of funding options on their website, with corresponding bonuses, ships etcetera.

He doesn't have health insurance.

True, and that's gotta suck given the prevalence of violence in media.

Fair enough, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

To be fair, I know next to nothing about the scene in question. I feel sensitivity to the subject is due, but art is art, and things can be done right.

Yes, and they bloody well don't need to have salt rubbed in the wound constantly. The dead at least have some peace.

Just read about that Holocaust game, I imagine there'd be a hell of a lot more friction if it was played from the German perspective.

Murder victims, by definition, don't have to relive their awful experience over and over every time it gets brought up.