
Zoom has been running for years without these issues coming to light. If I was to guess where these security issues came from I would guess it was either sales or upper management trying to keep things as easy as possible for users. I have extensively used online meetings from all major vendors over the last 4 weeks.

Now playing

Unfortunately this just showed your ignorance. This is specifically about driving in traffic. When all lanes are equally fast (less than 10mph) a passing lane just isn’t going to happen. Just no. In certain places this is a daily occurrence, that isn’t going to stop by a magic passing only lane. Go watch the clip


Play music gives me and my entire family access to YouTube Premium. We use the music more often.

Even work the code showing as applied it’s not going under $14

Even work the code showing as applied it’s not going under $14

I went with the xps 15" last year and now wish I had gone with the 13". It just isn't needed, unless it is then I'm docked.




I hope that’s vaguely accurate because that is how I am going to think about this going forward.

Hah, they added the Area 51 raid to the page.

Troll much?

2 seconds on Google found that yes in fact it has been called the Peacock Network for decades. Not just news articles but forum posts, and crossword puzzles.

A little more than 95% is well everything. Disney played hardball, and asked for half. They may not have settled for 25%, but there had to be room for negotiation. It really looks like Sony just said nope, it’s 5% or we walk. And they walked.

I routinely pay more for Jetblue because frankly I always get the impression they just give a shit. Something goes wrong and instead of them saying tough shit, they try to do something about it.

Wouldn’t it be nice if Spacex just added a few small cameras facing away from earth to each satellite and allowed scientists access to them. 7500 cameras taking simultaneous pictures stitched together or used to create stereoscopic pictures, or any of the fancy things they are talking about doing. No atmosphere plus

More simply. The act or process of ousting, removing a person from a post, or position, is an ouster. A person who has been removed from a post has been ousted.

I have a note in my wallet, on a business card. “Please keep the cash, but send my License and cards back.” There are 4 forever stamps in there too.

Tiny bit of Coffee, add sugar, swirl until chunks gone, add the rest of the coffee then the cream.

If you add all the coffee you not only have to use a stirrer you also don’t know when its actually melted. Just enough to melt the sugar and you can swirl until its liquid.

3 Monitors Ultrawide in the center. Outside two in landscape...

3 Monitors Ultrawide in the center. Outside two in landscape...