He’s not missing out on that much.
He’s not missing out on that much.
There are many things I don’t get about Overwatch fandom that pretty much guarantee that I’ll never fit in to it even as I enjoy the game. This meme is one more example. D.Va is a mega-celebrity in the game canon who can be seen as a movie star, mascot/defender of her country, and generally physically nimble and…
This thoughtful response demonstrates why I think Kotaku is the saving grace of Gawker.
For me this year, it’s Doom, Overwatch, Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13 (yes, despite the price tag and the fact that it’s in Chinese), Danganronpa 2, Fire Emblem: Fates, and Higurashi When They Cry: Watanagashi Chapter. FPSes, visual novels, a tactical RPG, and a strategy game. That’s way more diverse than my tastes…
The only reason I use him is to shut down those annoying Tracers until they fuck off and die.
I’ve been killed by Tracer maybe once in 20 hours of gameplay. Tracer players almost never kill anyone, they just zip around and warp any time they take any damage and annoy you until you ignore them because they’re not worth the effort (or finally just switch to Soldier 76, use his ult, and make them go away).
So, a Hillary Clinton supporter who was an actor on The Wire beats up Bernie Sanders supporters with actual violence and gets arrested, and I haven’t seen a single fucking Gawker article about it. Nope, too busy going after all the Berniebros. Yeah, they suck, whatever, but know what else sucks? The whole Democratic…
Well said. I enjoyed a gorgeous, smooth experience on a 2 year-old gaming laptop without tweaking anything.
Yep, monster in-fighting is definitely enabled in this WAD. Revenants can’t normally hurt one another. In addition, the fist attacks much quicker than normal.
It’s a shame we won’t be getting Higurashi’s Vita version stateside. It’s one of the best visual novels I’ve played on a handheld.
...She’s suffering from PTSD because her kid (and almost everybody she knows) died in front of her. That’s “what the fuck is wrong with Marcy Long.”
Ah, the Jezebel comments section. Sometimes a place of reason, this is where we go to see Hillary supporters get buttflustered that their candidate isn’t actually that well-liked by anybody and that she’s having troubles with her coronation.
How about this, then?
You know, I think over-censorship is unfortunate (I don’t think we’re entitled to media that caters to our sensibilities), but the things done to this woman would have been reprehensible even if she were responsible for the changes to the games that people were upset about.
Why does Brutal Doom continue to get so much attention from gaming sites when the incredible DoomRPG and Doom Roguelike Arsenal go unmentioned? Seriously, Brutal Doom has a really negative reputation among the core Doom modding crowd because of a few huge issues (taking other creators’ assets without giving credit, a…
Is the creator of Brutal Doom still ripping off other people’s assets without credit? I remember that being an issue.
This would be a lot more tempting if my 2 year-old ASUS ROG wasn’t still hitting the ball out of the park with everything I’ve been playing and if form factor was a motivating factor for me. Even so, that’s a hell of a lot of machine for $2k. And that external graphics card support is tempting as hell on its own.
I chose to boycott Matsuri because of the really horrifying things I’ve heard about its treatment of guests. But now, I’m also glad I didn’t go to see how much better everyone else is at cosplay than me.
It took me a second to realize that you meant Alex Louis Armstrong from FMA, not the trumpet player.