
Pihole Get a little knowledge and build one. Have not tried meet with it yet but this thing is worth it’s weight in gold.

Seriously. They’re on their high horse getting clicks from this, while linking to Vinwiki who are full of people just talking about breaking the law one way or another.

“If literally one thing goes wrong—if the team needs to call for help or a tow truck, if they get stopped, if they crash—literally anything goes wrong here and these guys would be pulling resources from an otherwise already overloaded system, not to mention potentially increasing the risk of contracting coronavirus by

This is not a ventilator. This is a respirator, which is something MUCH simpler and Ford thought up a clever workaround to licensing something using parts they don’t have the equipment to manufacture using in stock components to make it manufacturable quickly, which goes further to prove what those people were

You do realize President Trump is actually going hard on getting a solution together right now, but that the left is preventing it from happening until they get extra/unrelated policies included in the bill, don’t you? Hating Trump is one thing, but spreading complete lies about him and his administration is a whole

I love your negativity. Keep talking!

most modern 12V power tool battery packs don’t look like that.

A quick amazon search for “drill battery” overwhelming comes back with results for batteries that look like the one in the article. I’d bet money that it’s one of the most readily available types of battery (even now) thanks to the aftermarket.

Oh no! I'm running an egr delete on my mustang! Should I have to pay a hefty fine because some people are worried about emissions!? Fuck outta here with this bullshit. If people want to modify their vehicles then let them modify them. I get it everyone has an opinion but for fucks sake take yours and shove it up your

Screw the environment. All you pansies just like to complain and blame others. I’m tired of feeling like I have to apologize for something I didn’t do. So instead, let me live up to your expectations. After all, it’s what you already expect, right? So I’m going to eat red meat, throw my McDonald’s trash out onto the

Air Force one in UNITED NATIONS colors never should have become “iconic” in the first place.

The question is... if a popular democrat party president were suggesting this very same livery, would ANYONE be complaining about it?

Does anyone else find it interesting that the plane uses the same colors as..... THE RUSSIAN FLAG???!!!

I bet this plane will disperse chemtrails all over the flat earth too!

Up next.. Trump mandates Amtrak use the same RUSSIAN colors on their trains.



if people insist on using these ports they can also just buy charge only cables ( that can’t provide a data connection. They are actually missing the data wires inside the cable, or there are also adapters ( that convert a normal cable to charge only.

Honestly, Snip & Sketch is superior to the Snipping Tool in every way possible. And I say this as someone that used Snipping Tool on the regular. You get a keyboard shortcut, Win-Shift-S, then the snip goes into Action Center.

In some cases, that may be true, but in my case it wouldn’t be. Not everything can be handled via video conference. 

Not everyone who logs miles in an airplane is a billionaire jet-setter. A fair number of frequent fliers (myself included) are having their travel paid for by their employer. Increasing the cost of those flights isn’t going to reduce the amount that I travel, it’ll just increase the amount my company pays for that

Blogging: A career where you can collect revenue by voicing the moral high-ground stance, while also collecting revenue through advertising the very thing you are against.