
The only reason the subscription model is successful is because people keep giving it money.  When adobe went full sub for Lightroom, I said “FU” and went to ON1 Photo Raw.  Maybe that’s not a possible choice for everyone, but it was for me.

Rant about dark mode?  Seriously?  People do that?  Holy shit, those people need a hobby or something.  If you don’t like it, don’t use it.  Simples.  Personally, my migrane suffering self appreciates dark mode, but do I rant about light mode?  No.  Why?  Cause it’s stupid AND who cares.

You absolutely can do a release to flood areas further down.  That’s exactly what the Army Corps of Engineers did in Houston.  They’d rather have a controlled release that creates a flood than an uncontrolled one.  Yep, they got sued.  Yep, the Army won.

You are all a bunch of toxic, sick bastards wishing for someone’s death, but you knew that already.

CDC says as of 5/4/2020, COVID-19 deaths are 38,576.

Doesn’t know if it will come back?  Because it’s been magically replaced by something else in a month timespan?  Not sure how this CEO got their job.

Cool, but I can only think it’s about a month too late.

I’d say the FAA is not the best to regulate this situation. See the recent draconian overreach with their NPRM...which, if enacted in its present form, would completely destroy the r/c model hobby.  Even a 40g drone would be regulated like an aircraft.  Insane.

Are the drones looking in your windows or just flying by?

People’s rights end where others begin. If by assembling they are causing a public health hazard, then the gov’t has every right (and a responsibility) to shut that shit down because people don’t have enough goddamn common sense to stay the fuck at home.

yeah, all because we didn’t tear up the roads

With interest rates as low as they are, you’d be foolish to put your capital into the car, when your potential return on an investment would exceed the cost of capital for the loan. Really sad you are so dumb with money.

This sucks and makes me angry.  There was no need to give the big FU to Android users.  What a bunch of a-holes.

pollution from XXX results from a deficiency in personal responsibility.

yes, but they will feel so good for doing it.  so good.

Not sure if this is the funniest or stupidest thing I’ve heard today.  This will have zero impact, just like cig labels.  Only people who will make money are the label printers...which will be using plastic labels i’m sure, which are a petroleum product.  Win.

Why the quotes around foreign?  It certainly didn’t start here, ergo it is foreign.

Nature is metal \m/