
I rented Lime scooters many times in Santiago. I’m an experienced road bike and MTB rider. To say that these things are terrifying is not quite telling the whole story. That didn’t stop me from riding them though, haha!

Thanks to business travel to sketchy countries, I’m all vaxxed up with the latest MMR two-step.  Yay?

It’s billed by the minute, so that makes it really convenient for short hops.  I was renting them in Santiago and it ended up costing around $3 for 10 minutes.

I’d think that if it was going to rain in half an hour, it’d be a perfect time for a ride.  You’d be able to get to where you wanted to go without getting wet.

So when we have a really cold winter, that’s not a sign of global warming stopping, but if we have a hot summer that’s a sign of global warming continuing? 

“Immigrants are valuable and essential members of the state.”

There are so many laws out there that nobody is innocent of everything anymore. Even the justice dept doesn’t know how many laws are on the books now since they reside in places other than Title 18. If I was subject to a special investigation, I’d be scared shitless of what they could bring against me...and I have

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Looks like more solutions in search of problems.

Once you’ve perfectly aligned them with a forklift on a hard concrete floor, yes, they are easy to tilt the last 2 feet into place.

Well that comes from Rutan’s company.  :)  That dude always made sexy airplanes.

This is what happens when “cleaning experts” get around things that they have no clue about and never use. Set grill on high for 30 mins, brush, done. Frankly, you’re a fool if you work any harder than that.

This is what happens when “cleaning experts” get around things that they have no clue about and never use. Set grill

first, r/whoooosh

Well, anyone who said an ugly airplane couldn’t be built, take a look at this flying piece of shit.

Yeah, his phone has more info on him that I think he realizes, even if he tries to turn it off.

TIL that competition between companies is “tiresome”

Pretty strong (read: dumb) position to take with the person/country who can grant your request, regardless of who is at the helm.  How can that help their position?

lol u funnay

Of course it is. If there’s money to be made, they’re in. Altruism only goes so far to pay the bills. Anyone who thinks Silicon Valley isn’t motivated by money is a fool, ignorant or both.

Don’t worry, you still have gold star to try LOL