
Class 5 Killstorm? Not really, but weeeeeee for sensationalism.

She is a fruitbat tho. Of course, I'm a fruitbat also for engaging in a discussion about her imagined response of a made up town, haha!

Heh, no. Touche'

I can't tell you that, then there'd be folks with torches and pitchforks at my front gate. =/

woah woah woah woah, when did I get to be the representative for every single Texan that ever lived?! If so, I need a raise!

Sweet! Very classy way to experience contrecoup.

Yeah, got me on that one. :)

I agree with you 100%!

No, the term "agenda" is what you are making of it.

1. I've been happily married 15 years, I think that's not a bad start for "knowing about women". How about you?

I guessing the irony of your statement is lost on yourself.

Well of course they don't go around with bulleted lists, but there is a cohesive direction. That's what I'm talking about.

Nah, if I was trolling I would have worked harder at it.

Well, she's done a fine job of making up a viewpoint that she ascribes to Texas that doesn't exist, and in the area she's talking about is pretty much completely opposite of what she says. That's why us Texas folk are a bit riled.

Like I said earlier, it's certainly not a Republican agenda.

It's certainly not a Republican agenda, no? Are you denying the existance of a Liberal agenda? If so, you might want to get in line with your party, as they seem to have one. Maybe if you really knew what it was, you'd make different choices. :)

Yep, I agree. However, the frothing liberals are blissfully unfettered by the bonds of reality, as is obvious in the multiple cranky responses to my post. Apparently I was trolling and didn't even know it...the argument reduced to Hitler in 9 posts. :)

Looks like I was unfortunately correct, and you were too in calling it silly. It's an 8 Gb model.

+1 =D

Only makes sense when there is 4G coverage everywhere and no data limits. Until then, I'll shop for a phone with a SD card slot.