
Love the game but my only wish would that there would be more fluidness in the combat ala horizon zero dawn. I love this game mind you and have play many of the games in the series but I really feel like this is where the tuning time could be well spent! The combat was just slow to me would love more of a DMC vibe

So is anyone else seeing the sonic rip off here or is it just me? I mean super fast rodent with a friend that flys like a helicopter.....

Well sad day for you cause I love it.

Thank you for adding Xenogears to this list! I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but man the religious tones and other dark themes still make me get chills! Also I loved the combat! I wish the games second half was as fleshed out at the first one but ya know square has never known when it hasn’t a good thing imo. I

All of the monster hunter games just shead a tear to this reply. Lol I agree but if you are super committed to a game it’s worth reading a wiki.

So do what good teams do and kill her first?

We should not have to wait for a TTK like expansion the have the formula already and it took them 3 years to get it and they have scrapped most of what made D1 fun. I love the lore and gameplay but what are people even playing for right now? There is no raid set that means everything because armor does not madder and

Did you play game The story is solid. Not world breaking best but it is a complete story having a begging middle and end. Now as for game play if you expect more than what you go you did not play the first game as this is just the same thing will a little bit more sprinkled in. I really liked this game and hope they

You already can use a controller on pc and it works just fine.

The banned an episode of Mr.robot last year after the shooting death of a news anncor so your wrong. Have a nice day.

I need more Tokyo Ghoul I crushed both seasons and all it’s made me want is more. Anyone got some good recommendation ??

It is very tense , extremely hard, but probably the most rewarding game when thing go right. This game reminded me of Darksouls in the sense of if you get frustrated easily don’t play it.

The age of fire must come to an end!

I am almost certain this will be GOTY. I mean I have never played a game where I have felt so involved and over Joyed with just getting sucked into the story as it was so rich and rewarding! I just wish I could play more Altus games on PS4 as I feel like there are some HD remakes that would be fantastic for the

Honestly it’s really not that bad it is no worse than the first dead space. I really think the only reason people find it soooo much worse it because of the first person perspective.

Man was this a real thing? And if so how do I play it! I would love to have another old school RE title to play.

Well if you would of seen it through you would of realize a lot of the characters are there they just are not a part of his immediate story. Well to each thier own I loved it all the way up to the credit screen. I mean it did nothing ground breaking its just my cup of tea.

Umm the witcher 3 comes to mind. The story is amazing and very open for you to do whatever you want.

This looks amazing I hope it actually gets finished.

No soup for you.