Reticulating splines...
Reticulating splines...
Claustrophobic need not apply.
Well, with Avon in jail and the New York connect coming up short, the product has to be cut down more than usual, resulting in dissatisfied customers. Stringer, applying lessons learned at Baltimore County Community College, decides to change the name of the product to reset the public's perception of the relative…
So is that the Salton Sea he's flying over? Looks like it might be.
I'm no expert, but eye strain seems like it is more a result of poorly configured setups than being directly related to distance from the screen.
It depends how you engaged with them. If you called out a typical teenage boy type troll in a "real" enough setting, like showing up on his doorstep and telling his parents what he does online, I bet you'd get a pretty heartfelt apology.
This documentary isn't about working conditions in North Korea, either. So I guess it's ok for North Koreans to be tortured?
He has a podcast, but he is quite a bit more than a host. He started the entire network on his own to bypass all the talentless hacks he encountered in his attempt at a traditional media career.
Correct, he is a comedian, not a journalist. He even mentioned this specific appearance on his podcast. One of the producers at O'Reilly told him that it was on the hijacked car, then someone else told him it wasn't right before he went on. So he had conflicting reports from people he was right in trusting (they…
This is just an explanation of the gameplay footage from a few months ago, correct?
Please. Cutty's storyline was tired and forced almost immediately. He had the loosest ties to the rest of the characters.
He's my second favorite character, behind Bodie.
This is how I feel after getting some hours into it as well. I was ok with my purchase while the servers were down, I knew that would get fixed within a week. But now that I've played it, the gameplay issues are much worse than I initially thought.
This times a million, spread throughout the internet. Flacco's deal helped the efforts to keep Boldin.
Valid point, never thought about that.
I get the privacy thing, in principle, but why does personalized commercials get such a bad rep? Wouldn't you prefer that commercials were actually geared towards what you're interested in?
I figured it would be privacy issues, but can't it be reported anonymously? I guess then you get into what constitutes anonymous. Does including demographic information violate privacy?
Stale Peeps Unite! I marvel at the reach of the stale Peep movement.
So why can't they use data from cable boxes for more accurate ratings? Who has ever met someone with a Nielsen box?
I've noticed that too often traffic takes the shortest route, even if it means clogging up a medium density street that runs parallel to an avenue.