Scott Swenson

There are two motor sports events I think everyone should attend at least once... especially if they are a kid:

Monster Trucks
Top Fuel Drags

Monster Trucks are loud. LOUD, brash, aggressive, yet family-friendly. The drivers will stay until every kid has gotten an autograph, and not just an autograph, but they will talk

It works. Well. It is intuitive, accurate, and feels solid. Sometimes things don’t need to be changed. This, in my opinion, is one of them.

Nice! The new Ford Bronco...

Tesla blah blah blah blah Model 3 blah blah blah blah...


Oh, they believe they can be repaired, usually the issue is:

a) Who is doing the repairs. If it is a shop that charges $$$ to fix the car with a recognizable sign over the door, it might be ok. If it is fixed by the husband\significant other in the driveway\parking lot\side of road with a few of his buddies, the car is

I also suspect that UPSP deliveries include a large amount of “drive up, open flap, put in mailbox” deliveries vs UPS\FedEx|DHL “pull into driveway, rummage around, climb out, go knock on door, run away” deliveries. Have you seen how high off the ground a UPS driver’s seat is??

I feel so bad for you, you must have a dent in your forehead from repeatedly beating it on your desk in frustration. :(. Thank you for trying to educate those who are committed to retaining ignorance in the name of being “right.” You are making clear sense to those willing to read what you put out here.

Did you happen to get up on the wrong side of the bed today? Not sure where your venom comes since a) I was quoting the person above me, b) I am hoping for this technology to come along in my lifetime, and c) since I don’t design\manufacture batteries (but I do support Tesla’s manufacturing infrastructure in my

“Really we just need a battery technology that is light, high energy density, equivalent to an ICE system and can recharge 80-90% in about 5 minutes, to give the car 250-300 in that time. Next, we need to get more gas stations on board to start supplementing their pumps with these 300-500kw chargers.”

Thank you. Seems

I should add that I knew about this car for 13 years before finally getting it. It was in much better shape when I originally found it in 1997 vs dragging it out of there in 2010. On the plus side, it was $2500 in 1997, free in 2010...

Actually, bring right in the middle of “middle class,” my taxes have gone up $121 a month if calculated as an annual “oh shit this is what I really lost thanks to the bullshit” once you get done looking at deductions I got this year vs the predicted next year. So no, at least in my case, they didn’t accomplish that

Abandoned after determining there wasn’t a cheat device installed.

Seek, and you shall find...

This was found in rural New Hampshire. It currently is in Germany awaiting restoration at the Gundermann Museum. Run by Al Schmit in SCCA ProRally and WRC in the 70s and 80s, featured in Popular Mechanics article on the ALCAN 5000, and used in promotional material in-period.

Was not aware of the minimum wage in Chicago, thanks. Though, math still not right? $11 x 30 x 4 = 1320, before taxes and $1030 post-tax. If we give her 40 hours a week, that’s $1373 since between FICA, SSI, & Med will knock about 22% off that. Illinois I assume has no state income tax? That still doesn’t leave a lot

That would assume she had $100 to spend, we don’t know her situation. Let’s say she had a typical retail job, the kind of job someone would have if they didn’t have all the advantages growing up. We’ll even err on the high side and not give her minimum wage, let’s say she got a bunch of those $.10 and $.20 raises

Bawled my eyes out when my parents traded Ol’ Nelly in when I was 5. While she was replaced with another one that look almost like her, she wasn’t the same girl. Missing were the tracks on the back of the front seats from where I carved it up with my toy sword, or the faint smell of vomit from the sister who got car

Please, give these kids people who give a damn a voice. Let them speak. Let them be HEARD. Let them drive real reform as it appears the “mature and adults” of the country can’t seem to be bothered to come together for a common cause for the benefit of all citizens like our younger generation can.

Ahh, one of those. Thanks, I missed it the first time around. I thought you were an adult as well. Ooops. My mistake.

Show me all the adults walking out of their jobs in support of gun control and stopping all these shootings, I missed that video.

The difference between losing income vs missing a class really doesn’t count, if anything, a mass walkout that hurts productivity could be considerably more awakening. Then again,