Scott Swenson

Pfft. For people like me, coffee is what helps me sleep like a baby. Nothing like a turbo-double-espresso right before bed help me drop right off into dreamland. 7000mg caffeine a day, keeps me calm and sane.



Going back to the beginning.
You are not missing just the forest, you are someplace in the middle of a desert. Situational awareness and defensive riding. If that idiot pulls out in front of you and you’ve seen them for the last 15 seconds, then you are not riding with your head any place but up your

No, you can see the Camry from a mile away. You know it’s there. You can see it is there. You may not expect it to do something retarded, but you should be aware it exists and will soon be in proximity. It is moving in the same direction as you. Your speed differential is within your control for the most part and

Deer get hit because they bolt and bound instead of leisurely stroll across the road like a skunk. If you want to make sure you NEVER hit a deer, then the speed limit minus 90% should do it. Actually, leave the bike home and walk.

Keith Code (he literally wrote the book on riding) points out not only in his book, but in the several times I’ve heard recording of his that going reasonably above the speed limit is smart, not dumb or unsafe. It limits exposure in blind spots, makes you more visible, and with the superior performance of a motorcycle

LOL, it’s a fisher cat. Kinda like cross between a badger and a weasel from hell. Technically I think they are classified as a martin but if you ask me, they are the pet of Satan. Growing up in northern NH, they were a real problem. My neighbor used to raise rabbits. One year they all got slaughtered by a fisher

Hoover bit missing?

I was working for Pontiac when these came out. They were a pretty big step up from the previous generation. The styling was polarizing for sure, so was the new Grand Am, the GP didn’t really change drastically, nor did the ‘bird.

I remember my first blast in a white SSEi. For the time it had some moves... until one of


You have landlords level God-like. Cherish them.

I could go on and on with an answer to that...

You’re missing a few :( I don’t do pretty graphics cuz I suck, but in my area, these are more common than any of the ones you list except the Taurus (SP using that).

Other cool facts: 100-200mph in 8 seconds.
150mph to 0 in under 3 seconds.
Can spot prey as small as 3"x3" from over a mile away.
Their eyes work independent of each other, able to focus on prey and ground at the same time, as well as combined... all at the same time. Yeh, they have triple vision.
The death punch their

‘cept it’s mid- and not rear-engine, it has leaf springs instead of torsion bars on the swing, leaf spring beam axle up front instead of independent torsion bar, and doesn’t appear to have perimeter structural heater channels. Sooooo, it has a swing axle and backbone. Not sure I see much else that screams “Type

It isn’t, it’s supposed to be an automotive discussion which is inherently a technical discussion. Technology. Science. Find it ironic people will happily toss out g-force, compression ratios, boost, ECU mapping...yet will still use incorrect statements when it suits them.

Scientific definition, as in physics, referenced by the SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers, of which I’m a member) as well as the basics of physics:

Speed, being a scalar quantity, is the rate at which an object covers distance. The average speed is the distance (a scalar quantity) per time ratio. ie: meters per

Thank you, I’ll take “nerd” as a complement.
Ignorance is why I pointed this out. Thank you for confirming Darwin was right. Oh. Darwin, he was a scientist (nerd) who studied evolution (the smartest and strongest of a species survives). In your case, apparently his theory (using his brain to figure stuff out) hasn’t

I’m still waiting for it to end up upside down, then it will be complete...

Because someone would drive it without a helmet on the street, bash their head against the cage, and sue Sergio for every last penny.

“World’s fastest 0-60 production car: 2.3 seconds”
Sorry, this always bugs me. No. That isn’t “fast.” Fast refers to “speed” as in velocity, not acceleration. All cars that do 0-60 - regardless of how long it takes to get there - are equally “fast.”

“World’s QUICKEST 0-60 production car: 2.3 seconds”
