
I’m a bit of an expert on bad lists, and I can say this is an objectively bad list.

For some reason I don’t feel like blaming the loss on the only guy who scored points for his team yesterday.

This is an outrageous overreach by the government. Does Montgomery County have a rural government building that can be taken over? I promised my family I’d be around for MLK day, but supporting our constitutional right to backyard hockey is more important. I have two days’ worth of supplies. Meet you guys there.

For those curious: Robert Sarver was born into a prominent business family in Tuscon, Arizona. His father, among other things, ran a savings and loan where Sarver worked as a teenager. Sarver started on the road of super richness in 1994 when at age 33 he started his own bank in Tuscon.

“I think that Michelle Obama’s on Ellen more than I am”

Um, maybe you’re the thirsty one David Spade. Nobody gives any sort of fuck what you think about basically anything.

At Norway’s latitude, they really have only two regions: north and more north. It’s a perfectly cromulent word.

Trump followed that up by saying he wanted to make America as great as those UCLA Basketball teams from the 1960s, he just couldn’t remember what happened to that Alcindor kid.

I mean, are we even sure McCown got hurt last night? That video could be old.

Counterpoint: basketball is still boring and useless, but now with one less insufferable shitstain who once sexually assaulted a woman, but got out of the charge by threatening the woman until she refused to testify.

This piece was so villainous. I’ll be sure to check in tomorrow for Drew’s heroic counterpoint.

They didn’t decide to. They were forced to by the NCAA. And what makes the Sioux nickname racist when people apparently have no problem with the Seminoles or the Illini?

When I take my family to a public sacrifice to appease the cruel god of the void, I really hate it when an acolyte of Ner’huul makes an extra flourish with his bone knife or, and gosh this is THE WORST, when the High Priest makes a big show of eating the heart of the spring virgin. It’s like, act like you’ve BEEN

I am ashamed everyday that I have to share my oxygen with 95% of the general population.

I feel like this whole weekend just needs to somehow be wiped from the plane of existance.

Do you ever just read stuff like this and think “we as a species really deserve to be hit by a meteor”?

Incidentally, that bio scored an A as his civil liberties term paper at Ole Miss.

He is right. Hatin’ on people solely because they are in the “different” category of women-beating misanthropes *is* discrimination. It is, however, *permissible* discrimination. So suck it, shitbag.

Judging by the bio, Hardy has animosity toward anything with a period.