
I like this layout of the news, +1 Kotaku.

Alternatively, this website shows all the dates and times for each conference and automatically-converts it to your local timezone. The chart above also shows each time for a lot of timezones, but it’s good for double-checking.

What a save!

People can consider anything “something”. For some it’s a relationship, for others its hacking or playing a video game. Some think its sports, money, cars or whatever else humans enjoy or find value in. Enjoying and making the most of your life is important. Do whatever makes you feel that way. Relationships are

spend so much time and effort on something that ultimately amounted to nothing

Call of Duty : Modern Candy Warfare

I had a bad burger from Fuddruckers one time.

I understand the frustration, but when a company gets the PC version right, it is far and away superior to any other version. That is why I continue to predominantly game on PC.

You could play games from devs who focus on pc gaming and care enough?

The honest ones will call that “beta”

Shouldn’t modern games now come with a disclaimer or something. WARNING: Game might not be up to quality insurance. We know games aren’t perfect, but please understand that will be patching the game often and you might not get the full product we intended for a few months or a year.

It’s a must-play, even if you were born after the year 1997.

because some people, believe it or not, don’t have a Wii. IMPOSSIBLE IKR, but it’s true.

Yet another Don’t Pre-Order Games or Buy Season Passes example :(

I can’t help but laugh at everyone who thinks Apple will give gaming on this platform any additional thought or marketing push past the initial sales pitch. This is a fire and forget feature.

Another secret is that you can actually hide games in your steam library.