
This still looks like the head of a screw. Need I say more?

Greatness Awaits

I was like 12 when I first played it, was too scared to really notice it, looks like a cool little easter egg.

"Free" rhymes with "Three"

Co-op = 2

3 x 2 = 6

Half of 6 is 3!

Half-life 3 Confirmed!

Haha....can't believe I never noticed this...

Don't forget Halo 3! Wooo, we all just saved ourselves from having to pick it up used for $5 whole dollars!

oh yeah "master race", well xbox got assassins creed 2 free so checkmate bitches

...Aaaaaaand /scene.

i think you meant "REAL a-holes play Xbox"

What do imaginary gamers play?

The way things are going, at the end of the season, Debra will kill Dexter and a new series is called "Debra!"

This was a list of "20 Things You Might Not Know", not "20 Things You Should be Impressed By". Your cyncism isn't really necessary.

List for the lazy:

1. New interface (Called PS dynamic menu)
2. Comes with 500gb HDD
3. Allows to transfer profile to other systems
4. Allowed a home console which allows access to your content to all users on the console
5. Comes with an HDMI cord
6. Not region locked
7. Can shoot in 3D and in high quality
8. PS camera has

What exactly is the purpose of the cards, pray tell? Well, unless their purpose is to make people like me ask questions like this. In that case, mission accomplished, Steam.

What no

Am I a bad person?

I predict this will be the first year people are going to be disappointed by the Steam sales, because the digital world has changed. A year ago, Steam was really all there was. Now, Green Man Gaming has had a sudden rise on the scene, and the deals you see on Amazon, etc. are frequently excellent. Add in the

Just added:

I think you may be confused about how big some pro players are

Branding yourself is huge.