
If this was the UK, the police would have

My thought is, if this kid had no arms or legs and said he was going to shoot up a school, he wouldn't be locked up right now.

It's been months now, common sense hasn't showed up yet.


Hopefully common sense prevails in this case.

Looks like she build herself a Leg-o.

Question of the day: What console(s) do/have you own/owned this generation? Do you plan to buy others? If you had to do it again would you change things?

Less inconvenient than an RROD. Still, it only affected a very small number of users from the sound of it.



Good for you. Anyways, it affected a rather small percentage of the user base, less than 1 percent I believe.

Don't worry this is all 3D art, although I've seen some people who can paint stuff that looks pretty close to this level of realism.

All I can draw is this


Sir that is suicide D:

Questions of the day: What game have you put the most hours into in your life?

I am determined to meet my future husband through gaming. It will happen. Eventually.

This story kinda reminds me of my own situation ~

I met my current girlfriend in 2009 while playing LittleBigPlanet and we've been together ever since! We're not married or anything, though. I mean I met her when I was 15 and we're both 18 now, so we've got some time to go. But I hope to send a thank you letter like

I keep wanting one of these modern day, "They met on Skype, met while gaming, met while protesting tea" fairy-tales to happen to me. They never do. I suppose turning my mic on during those rare occasions where I play multiplayer. Or actually playing multiplayer more than "rarely" may help.

In response to everyone who has - and will - comment that they don't see much resemblance, compare the "old" Ellie before she was redesigned.