Scorpio GTX1

Agreed, the way the government runs that country makes me sick.

That's actually not too bad. Still not enough to convince me to buy an iPad, but at least they offer the service.

Apple Care doesn't cover owner neglect.

It's not an issue of fear, it's an issue of money. Most people can't afford to have their $300 iPad break when it accidentally slips out of their hands. Shit happens, and it happens to everybody. I take extremely good care of my gadgets, but one day I tripped and fell into the edge of a desk, which damaged the ipod in

That's why I love that scene in American Psycho when Bateman shoots a police car, it explodes in a very Michael-Bay-esque manner, and he stares at his gun in disbelief, like "dafuq?"

You could turn that into a piece of modern art.

If this was Jalopnik, #COTD.

This is why I will NEVER buy an iPad. It doesn't matter what it is, anything you buy will eventually get dropped. A phone, a laptop, a shotgun, a black-martket baby, doesn't matter, you're going to drop it one day. If it breaks when you drop it, you just wasted a whole lot of money.

Gray, looks big and clunky, but moves like hell and matches his cocky attitude. Han Solo, your Chrysler ME-Four-Twelve is here.

I believe are certain chemicals and sprays that can confuse dogs. I saw this story on TV about this guy who smuggled drugs past the border, and a sniffer dog 1 foot away from his bag couldn't smell the crack.

Which actually makes him the bigger idiot, haha.

"Your brain can do strange things when you've been in the car a long time or when you're exhausted."

No one is hot enough to excuse that sort of stupidity. It's probably impossible to carry on a conversation with her.

No, please do keep filming. Crash, die, and remove both of you from the gene pool.

I'm surprised, Monster and Beats were made for each other. Both companies make overpriced products, and equal/better quality can be had for 1/4 the price.

I just thought they were there to look cool and add 25kW.


Lots of people went along with Hitler, but it doesn't mean that what they did was justified because they were "into it." Extreme example, yes, but the same issue lies at the heart of both.

I lost my shit at "to big of douche." Hilarious.