
Im pretty sure you imported this list from Europe?

Great for you that is rare take that bad boy in and walk away debt free.

Pretty much the same thing I did.. I guess you live and learn though.. I try to educate as many of my younger friends about this trap you get into. I don't think there is anything wrong with a new car as long as you have made damn sure you can afford it and are willing to potentially sacrifice for it.. if you cant.

Absolutely fantastic, its amazing how this captures the magnitude of which this has effected the area an how nature is reclaiming the landscape..

Wow there are a lot of generalized comments in this thread, First assuming "most police are power hungry is retarded, think about why police are in the business in the first place? To help people...) its a thankless job and someone has to do it. Its public service, you are continually scrutinized and accused of being

you think that's bad check out any saab from 90 up..

Mr Muth,

Oh boy does this article nail it on so many levels, and boy have I made these mistakes tenfold and I am still paying for them.

Is it just me or does anyone else hear Chris's voice when reading this?

Dang Doug what's with all the VW hate? what did Volkswagen ever do to you? Cmon you drive the most unreliable vehicle to roam the roads! A Land Rover and they still have Jeremy convinced its the best thing since sliced bread even though we all know the bread was moldy a long time ago..

Are you blind? McLaren's P1 is practically the product of that.. My comprehension is just fine, I was simply pointing out the fact that VAG does this already in other motorsport. Don't be an ass.

VAG has a massive amount of trickle down tech, not just from Le mans either. Think the touring car championships, the group B stuff, le mans etc.

Mr Orlove,

Wow I thought I was the only one who felt this way!

I couldn't agree more with your post. Most people fail to realize especially with this argument the possible pitfalls of used cars.. its not to say all used cars are bad but its always the possiblilty you are buying someone else's problem.. take your 11k in savings over that accord and dump that into your e90 m3