710 Cap ?

What, he couldn't pop for the "Auto Suck" BJ masheen that plugs into the ciggie lighter?

There's got to be one of those buildings suitable for Obama's Presidential Library. Maybe one close to the golf course with a landfill view. Hopefully, he'll be spending a lot of time there come November 2012.

I love Craigslist! I search there everyday using search keywords, race, drag, dragster, project, slalom, off road, hot rod, hotrod, custom, sand, dune, rat, rod and a few other words to zone in on the deals on racey stuff I like to buy and sell. I have had excellent luck.........and it's FREE!

The main street in out little shitburgh town is spelled M A I N E St.

....and this story belongs on Jalopnik because? Jeezus Krist! You folks are jumping the frickin' shark with a double dutch jump rope lately! have jumped the shark with this article. Their in NOTHING related to cars and NOTHING of interest to car guys either. Meth is a serious, deadly drug that kills everything it touches and even describing it or bringing it to these pages is not only off-topic, but irresponsible. I am no prude, but Meth

This Celica abortion-mobile defines and illustrates "WTF" and "POS" with four wheels. Making a car unsafe and unusable for a "look" is just plain stupid. Read "Unsafe at Any Speed" by Ralph Nader. Ralph helped kill the Chevy Corvair for a whole lot less piss-poor engineering.

The Nanny State meets mass hoonage. There will be bloodsped, methinks.

You are one sick puppy, Caswell. I heart you.

My wife recently got a speeding ticket for 84 mph on the freeway (70 mph posted) and believe me, that's considered "defensive driving" here in California. You'll get ran over all day long in the fast lane at 84 mph. The two good things to come of this little set back is that she learned about the CHP using LIDAR

Stealing wheels is soooo amateurish and half-assed. Here in San Diego they just take the whole car and it ends up in Mexico before the owner even knows it's missing.

Drag Racer- Eldon P. Slick from San Diego, Ca.

Does this take Trayvon Martin off the Florida front pages or what? Jeezus!

With Obama's cuts to NASA, they're lucky they even got to use the barge! Space Shuttle replicas float don't they?

Funny how the so-called "Smart Cars" are just a re-hash of Dr. Porsche's lowly Beetle design developed in Nazi Germany in the forties. What goes around, comes around...........again.

Unable to hijack a jet airliner, young Abdul decides to crash his POS Moredoor Bimmer into a crowd of spectators attending the camel drags in Rihayd.


Douchenozzles can now be chrome plated!?!?

Littering in Mexico is out of control!